PS3 bid up to 1 Billion dollars

Digital Dude

Home Theater Editor
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 9, 2005
E-bay listing #150059269467

went fron $25,000 to a Billion in 5 minutes.

It seems there must be some pissed off teens that didn't get one and are now falsely bidding millions for every PS3that nears close.

There will be news stories, look for it on Leno too.
A group of Sony fanboys from GAF forums have decided to try to ruin PS3 E-bay auctions by posting phony bids.
That sucks for those trying to make a good profit on them. There needs to be more limits on ebay when it comes to who is allowed to bid on certain things.

PS3 and Wii Launch titles average rating the same

Just got a call...

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