PS3 Pricing in Europe? WOW!!!


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
A number of French consumer sites are reporting new comments from George Fornay, president of Sony Computer Entertainment France and vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, regarding the pricing of the PlayStation 3 in Europe.

The comments were made on French radio station Europe 1, and indicated that the PlayStation 3 will be available for “around €500 [$613], in the range of €499 to 599 [$612 to $734]”.
LMAO, GO SONY GO!!!!! Ride blu ray to your death!!! Microsoft's new ads should simply state "Thank you SONY!!!"
You guys don't deal with Europe all that much. Sony's lucky they didn't announce the UK pricing, which would probably be (you guessed it) 499-599 GBP, which is a BUNCH more in dollars.

1 guess as to what the # will be in the US. :)
The safe bet(Sony is not stupid fyi) is that the PS3 will be around $399 - $499. Knowing the PS3's quality the pricetag seems fair to me.
Given its features and unless they plan on losing serious margin on the unit, I dont think it can sell for less than 500 USD. It might not be a bad strategy to lose margin on the unit and gain market acceptance but I dunno. I really dont think HD DVD players (also including BluRay) are really going to punch the market and skyrocket one way or the other in the near future. I think the picture industry is causing most of this mess (mostly around Component out and security protection). What ever Sony does, Xbox 360 really did gain an advantage by going first and NOT including HD DVD in it.

I know Microsoft sold 1st generation Xboxs at a big loss and I dont know the margins on 360 but that may very well force Sony to go below that 500 USD threshold. In any event, great for the consumer.
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ShinNYC said:
The safe bet(Sony is not stupid fyi) is that the PS3 will be around $399 - $499. Knowing the PS3's quality the pricetag seems fair to me.

For explanation look at every single market they used to lead and they are not only follower instead of inventor but also the 3rd-4th player (or lower).

Sony is an arrogant loser, agonizing in electronics because still unable to understand it's not the 80s anymore when everybody happily bought their proprietary sh*t, priced at sky-high - now it's Sharp when it comes to flat TVs, it's Apple or Creative when it comes to mp3 players, Dell or HP when it comes to computers, Canon when it comes to camera, HK/Onkyo/etc when it comes to receivers etc etc etc.
I'm a PSP owner yet I admit I welcomed the latest blow, the imminent death of UMD yet-another-retarded-proprietary format from Sony... studios are stoppping their releases already:
And Sony is just still waking up:
Breathtaking stupidity.

My favourite f**kup from Sony when the company which made Walkman and Discman released a music player with no mp3 playback, against iPods and Creatives, iAudios... hilarious. It took until 2005 for Sony to release a native mp3 player. See:
What a bunch utterly clueless gigantic corporate a**holes. Die, Sony, die - and a better company will born from your ahes.

Sony IS a powerfully retarded company.
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What Drama! Sony is building a classy product. the PS3 will have HDMI output and will provide a fully functional Blu-Ray drive for HD movie viewing. All of its games will be HD only. That is not the case for the Xbox360. So if the PS3 sells for $499 how will it stack up against the Xbox360?

The Xbox360 with the hard drive is $399. They are coming out with a HD-DVD drive that is $100. Lets see, that equates to $499 WITHOUT the HDMI output! So how is the Xbox360 gonna beat the socks off of SONY?

Yes you can buy the $299 Xbox360. But you do not get the Hard Drive ($100), the wireless controllers nor the remote controller ($30). You get a game system that overheats and has not had a new title since November! How will the Sony PS3 survive the Xbox360?

Sony is not stupid. They make quality products and they do not have to sell cheap. They put quality parts together and as anyone knows -- Sony products last a long time. That is not to say they have not made products with flaws. But they have made products that people wanted and worked the way that they are supposed to. The PS2 was rushed and it came out with some problems initially but they were worked out. This time Xbox360 came out first and I am sure their problems will be worked out. But how can the PS3 survive the Xbox360?

My experiance with computer graphics tells me that Nvidia has for the last three years smacked ATI around. ATI products are power grabbing, noise making, heat creating products that barely can reach the capabilities of same generation Nvidia products. Is this why some early Xbox360s are overheating? Also some games on the Xbox360 are 480p games and upconverted to 720p or 1080i. All PS3 games will be a minimum of 720p or higher. How is the PS3 gonna beat the Xbox360?

I see the Xbox360 as the poor man's next gen player with the PS3 player fully functioning next gen player. And might I remind most of you that the PS2 was for the most part the masses introduction into the world of movie DVD players. I believe that the PS3 will be the masses introduction into the world of HD DVD players by way of the Blu-Ray drive. Only time will tell. Let's see -- what was the question -- oh yeah -- How is the PS3 gonna survive against the Xbox360 -- and can it be number one again? Only time will tell but I would not be betting against Sony. Their track record is too good.

As a side note, the Xbox360 is very nice and I like some of the games and would own one but not at the expense of not being able to purchase a PS3. I like the games on the Sony system better and I am an advocate for the Blu-Ray drive system. I own a HD set and I want the best HD gaming system for it. Right now on specs that system is the PS3. Out of the box the PS3 will have a Blu-Ray drive, HDMI outputs, full HD-Dolby and HD-DTS audio support, hard drive and only comes with wireless controllers! There will probably not be a scaled down system -- what would they leave out? Maybe in two or three years when there is something I really want to play on the Xbox360 I will buy one. For now I am saving my money for the PS3 -- no matter the cost. It is either that or I shell out more bucks for a decent Blu-Ray HD DVD player that I can't play games on. I have a HD set and I want to watch movies in HD and not HD-Lite like what we get from cable and satellite. My money is on the PS3 being a hugh winner this Xmas.
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But sony is stupid,

They didn't learn from BETA in the 80's

They didn't learn from MINIDISC in the 90's

They certainly aren't learning from the UMD disk in the 00's

Also FYI - Game consoles's are ALWAYS sold for less than they cost to make them.

They make the money on the extra controllers, games, etc.

The one HUGE hand that Sony has in the HDDVD and the Blu-Ray mess is that the PS3 will nativly support the Blu-Ray, and the HDDVD is an add-on. Mickeysoft screwed up BIG TIME on that one (I would say in their rush to get it out a year before Sony)

The adoption of a device all depends on who can get the most into the maxiumum amount of soccer moms hands.
JoeSp said:
Yes you can buy the $299 Xbox360. But you do not get the Hard Drive ($100), the wireless controllers nor the remote controller ($30). You get a game system that overheats and has not had a new title since November! How will the Sony PS3 survive the Xbox360?


they have had alot of game releases since november. ghost recon and elder scrolls both excellent games are only two of the realeases.
fkostyn said:
The one HUGE hand that Sony has in the HDDVD and the Blu-Ray mess is that the PS3 will nativly support the Blu-Ray, and the HDDVD is an add-on. Mickeysoft screwed up BIG TIME on that one (I would say in their rush to get it out a year before Sony)

The adoption of a device all depends on who can get the most into the maxiumum amount of soccer moms hands.

I dont think so. Most folks dont buy gaming machines for DVD theatre watching. That may change but not in this initial release. If M* comes out with a 100 dollar HD DVD USB add on, whats the big deal? The key was to go after the gaming market not the high end video enthusiast on the initial release of the 360. I betcha the HD DVD will be embedded in the next phase of the unit next year.

I was more upset about no DVI/HDMI support. While I agree components are everywhere, it should have tapped into the digital connection. Hopefully that too gets corrected with a new peripheral or next phase unit.
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I'm pretty sure that Sony is aiming Gamers not HD customers(some gamers have HD but they buy a console for the games not the features, it's just a bonus)

Games wise you can't compare PS3 to Xbox360...the games in the PS3 will be more appealing(especially to the Japanese and European markets...even here in NA more PS3s will be sold than Xbox360s i believe).
if you own a gaming PC, if you have a choice between a PS3 and a XBox360 70-80% of the gamers would rather buy a PS3 than a Xbox360 in my pov
I took a long absence from gaming and just this year got back in so I bought the 360 and doing some spot PC gaming again. I really bought the 360 to do Media Center DVR stuff as an extender. For me the gaming was a bonus. Interested to see what Sony could offer me. It might be the BluRay that has me get the unit. Funny how that might happen.

I have to admit the DVD playing is so much better on Xbox 360 then the Toshiba HD DVD I just bought. As soon as an HD DVD USB comes along for the 360, that Toshiba is going on ebay. I still have to get an HD DVD title (ones I ordered werent released on time and Netflix is slow boating titles to me). Picture quality will be good I am sure but that Toshiba is one slow clunky mother. And the component restrictions are mind numbing. I wouldnt use that unit for anything other then HD DVD viewing. Cant imagine gaming or internet features on that thing.
I will admit I'm not as into console gaming as much as I was years ago. I have a PS2 that I play occasionally. Is the console market generally more focused on adult gamers instead of kids these days? Seems that while the Xbox 360 was high at even the low-end $299 machine, that Sony is insane marketing a gaming machine at over $500...if the intended target is kids. I can't imagine a lot of parents laying out $500+ for a game system for their kids, regardless of how many amazing things it offers.
JoeSp said:
What Drama! Sony is building a classy product. the PS3 will have HDMI output and will provide a fully functional Blu-Ray drive for HD movie viewing. All of its games will be HD only.

Ouch. WHat an illusion...

1. FYI: every single PC game is "HD" FOR YEARS NOW. The fact that consoles finally will follow PCs has almost zero information.

2. Classy product? It's the original release date tthey were lying for us even just two months ago and so far Sony still couldn't produce a prototype and most likely this E3 will pass without one again. Nothing, nada, nil.

3. Blu-Ray? FYI: Blu-Ray will come around $800-100 when it will be finally out. Do you really think Sony will take hundreds of extra loss per PS3 for BD when rest of PS3 already mean $2-300 loss per unit?
Forget it. Sony will release another, higher priced unit with Blu-Ray, for the time being, until BD prices will come down.

That is not the case for the Xbox360. So if the PS3 sells for $499 how will it stack up against the Xbox360?

$100 more expensive.

The Xbox360 with the hard drive is $399. They are coming out with a HD-DVD drive that is $100. Lets see, that equates to $499 WITHOUT the HDMI output! So how is the Xbox360 gonna beat the socks off of SONY?

1. PS3 will come without hard drive. So let's be real: that's Sony is realistically $599, most likely without BD drive.

2. Because X360 is out already, by the time it will be 1 year old, plenty of games, a proven system, let alone MS most likely will price it down by then.

Yes you can buy the $299 Xbox360. But you do not get the Hard Drive ($100),

Neither PS3 has...

the wireless controllers nor the remote controller ($30).

Neither is necessary to able to use it...

You get a game system that overheats and has not had a new title since November!

??:eek: Who told you this? This is BS.
Here's just March list:

Burnout Revenge
GH: Advanced Warfighter
Far Cry Instincts
Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires
and at leats 3-4 others.

This month so far new BF2 part, new Tomb Raider, MLB 2k6, FF IX, 2006 FIFA WC etc.

Take a look here:

How will the Sony PS3 survive the Xbox360?

Sony is not stupid. They make quality products and they do not have to sell cheap. They put quality parts together and as anyone knows -- Sony products last a long time. That is not to say they have not made products with flaws. But they have made products that people wanted and worked the way that they are supposed to.

Man... you're dreaming, seriously. Sony is in DEEP sh*t AT EVERY LEVEL.

The PS2 was rushed and it came out with some problems initially but they were worked out.

LOL - so how is that Sony not stupid, makes quality products et cetera?

This time Xbox360 came out first and I am sure their problems will be worked out. But how can the PS3 survive the Xbox360?

Let's see PS23 first, shall we?

My experiance with computer graphics tells me that Nvidia has for the last three years smacked ATI around. ATI products are power grabbing, noise making, heat creating products that barely can reach the capabilities of same generation Nvidia products.

You are strikingly misinformed about the whole PC graphics, pal.

ATI has been beating Nvidia in terms of performance ever since the release of the now famoous R300 chip, up until last year - now Nvidia is pretty much neck to neck, although once again ATI has the technological lead.

Are you sure you didn't confuse the company names?

Is this why some early Xbox360s are overheating? Also some games on the Xbox360 are 480p games and upconverted to 720p or 1080i. All PS3 games will be a minimum of 720p or higher. How is the PS3 gonna beat the Xbox360?

Sorry but now it's pretty obvious you barely understand the basics of game graphics, console or PC, doesn't matter.

I see the Xbox360 as the poor man's next gen player with the PS3 player fully functioning next gen player. And might I remind most of you that the PS2 was for the most part the masses introduction into the world of movie DVD players. I believe that the PS3 will be the masses introduction into the world of HD DVD players by way of the Blu-Ray drive. Only time will tell. Let's see -- what was the question -- oh yeah -- How is the PS3 gonna survive against the Xbox360 -- and can it be number one again? Only time will tell but I would not be betting against Sony. Their track record is too good.

As a side note, the Xbox360 is very nice and I like some of the games and would own one but not at the expense of not being able to purchase a PS3. I like the games on the Sony system better and I am an advocate for the Blu-Ray drive system. I own a HD set and I want the best HD gaming system for it. Right now on specs that system is the PS3. Out of the box the PS3 will have a Blu-Ray drive, HDMI outputs, full HD-Dolby and HD-DTS audio support, hard drive and only comes with wireless controllers! There will probably not be a scaled down system -- what would they leave out? Maybe in two or three years when there is something I really want to play on the Xbox360 I will buy one. For now I am saving my money for the PS3 -- no matter the cost. It is either that or I shell out more bucks for a decent Blu-Ray HD DVD player that I can't play games on. I have a HD set and I want to watch movies in HD and not HD-Lite like what we get from cable and satellite. My money is on the PS3 being a hugh winner this Xmas.

You're a real Sony fan, we can tell that... :) After your comments about gfx based on your "experiance with computer graphics" or your vague and, khm, interesting ideas on "upconverted vs real output" in console games, let alone truckload of factual errors I think you really need to read up on this whole subject... :)
ShinNYC said:
I'm pretty sure that Sony is aiming Gamers not HD customers(some gamers have HD but they buy a console for the games not the features, it's just a bonus)

Absolutely. I've noticed that most Sony fans atucally believe this BD story - this is ridiculous. By November a standalone HD-DVD will be around $350, why would anybody buy a PS3 for $100-200 more? Gamers, funny Blu-Ray zealots - yes. Everybody else - no way.

Games wise you can't compare PS3 to Xbox360...the games in the PS3 will be more appealing(especially to the Japanese and European markets...even here in NA more PS3s will be sold than Xbox360s i believe).

Ummm how so? Same studios make the same games. It doesn't make any sense.

if you own a gaming PC, if you have a choice between a PS3 and a XBox360 70-80% of the gamers would rather buy a PS3 than a Xbox360 in my pov

I think it's totally vica versa. Anybody I know has the priorities like 1. PC 2. X360 and everything comes after. PS3 is still a vaporware product.

Nobody sane person believes anything for Sony anymore - they lost their credibility with all those pathetic lying about PS3.
Yeah, even sony fanboys admit they make junk hardware at the very least...

And I believe sony has stated that it WILL ship the ps3 with the hard drive included. They're kinda dumb sometimes but they can see how the 360 "core" bombed miserably and just pissed people off.

The only problem i'm going to have with paying sony's ransom is knowing the damn thing won't last until the ps4 is out, which it's supposed to. Remember when you played your Atari until you bought an NES? Played your NES until you got your SNES, etc...That's how it's supposed to be...

I 100% believe sony only lowered the ps2 price because when they drop the bomb on ps3's price, it will scare people into sticking with ps2 for another year. This will help move some of the old ps2 stock off the shelves.

PS2 now $129.99

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