Quad LNB install on Xvu

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Bought a quad LNB on eBay for Dish Net and was wondering if it will work on my ExpressVu antena ?

Dan ?
If youe expressvu dish is the equivalent of the DISH500 it will mount successfully, if it is the old DISH300 style no it won't fit.
Was able to do install but no signal. Will it matter if the LNB is legacy or Dish Pro 500 ?
that depends on the receiver being used for Xvue. If a legacy receiver is used on a DishPro head then you'd only receive 1 set of the 2 polarities, one-half of the transponder lineup. A dishpro receiver on a legacy head however will be compatable.
Thanks for the info guys. Returning the offending unit back to seller for testing.

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