Question about DHPP

sounds like u need to cut some trees back
Yep. Soon as I can get my darling, sweet, loving husband off his cute little derriere :D

There's a lot... a LOT of trees around my property. We live in a log cabin in the Tennessee mountains (no pun intended) on 1 1/2 acres of land. No neighbors for about 3 miles, and nothing but wilderness.

Nice for privacy, but bad for Satellite :)
Thanks. But my problem is trees. As I replied to another post right now the leaves are gone. What happens in spring when I can't get any reception? Will they let me out of the contract?
Sorry but the dish should have not been located where it is ..If possible trim the offending trees..If not then the dish needs to be relocated..
You may be avble to get out of your deal due to a poor install
Sorry but the dish should have not been located where it is ..If possible trim the offending trees..If not then the dish needs to be relocated..
You may be avble to get out of your deal due to a poor install
Well the installer said they are supposed to be able to guarentee a 10 year window, but that he couldn't even guarentee a 6 month one. Whatever that means.
The only problem with the commitment is that I live in a very wooded area and right now all the leaves are off the trees. What happens in a few months when spring comes and the trees are full again and I can't get a picture? Do you think they would let me out of the commitment?

Yes, you can get out of the contract due to NLOS due to trees. When it happens, schedule a service call and when the technician comes out and says you have NLOS they will let you out of the contract.

I have had 3 customers they let out of contracts in the past several years where I screwed up and had tree issues in the spring!
Yes, you can get out of the contract due to NLOS due to trees. When it happens, schedule a service call and when the technician comes out and says you have NLOS they will let you out of the contract.

I have had 3 customers they let out of contracts in the past several years where I screwed up and had tree issues in the spring!
Cool. Thanks for the info.

Unfortunately, I was installed yesterday and chose to not go with the commitment because I wasn't sure if I could get Dish in the summer time. I sure hope so and we are going to do everything we can to get a line of sight.

The installed said all we have to do (yea, sounds real simple lol) is just find the line the dish is at and start trimming branches until we get a picture. Sounds like fun, huh?
I'm still a little confused on this...are the receivers (622) still replaced for free while under lease (minus s/h of course)? I'm paying for DHPP, but if all it does is give me free shipping on a new receiver, then who cares? I don't care about service calls b/c i will NEVER have one. At 6 bucks a months, in only 2-3 months I can pay for shipping if need be (if/when my 622 HDMI breaks). I'd rather just pay the shipping and save myself the money. So, does it make sense for me to cancel DHPP? I just want to make sure I understand correctly that the equip is covered for "lifetime" minus s/h. Just don't want to get some crap 6 mo down the road: "Sorry, it's been longer than 90 days, we won't replace our crappy-made 622 b/c you didn't buy our stupid DHPP."