Question about HOW to get rid of old equipment


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 20, 2004
I wanted to know what the best way is to sell my 2 2700's. More than trying to find a buyer, I wanted to know who NOT to sell them to. I have read here not to sell outside of the U.S. I dont want anyone trying to get something for nothing, I think that only raises our costs in the end. Any suggestions?

Thanks :confused:
Depending on your tax bracket, and depending on your tolerance for the hassles of selling, you might consider giving them to charity. I think you can deduct fair market value. Just print out some ebay listings to back up your claims. I've been doing it for years, and have, so far, not had any hassle from the IRS.

I live on a boat, behind two locked gates. It's a hassle for me to have to stand at the front gate in the rain, waiting for buyers who don't show up and don't bother to call. So, for me, most stuff like this just goes to Goodwill.

I am not an accountant, so this post does NOT represent tax advice. Always contact a professional accountant for tax advice. :p
Oakenshld said:
I wanted to know what the best way is to sell my 2 2700's. More than trying to find a buyer, I wanted to know who NOT to sell them to. I have read here not to sell outside of the U.S. I don't want anyone trying to get something for nothing, I think that only raises our costs in the end. Any suggestions?

Thanks :confused:
I wouldn't fret to much about who to sell it to. Pirates are going to pirate no matter what. You can't stop them. And you can't go by appearance. Someone who knows what they are doing can social engineer themselves to look innocent. I read once an article about 80 year little old ladies pirating needlepoint plans on the internet. Just put it up on ebay/favorite classifieds with the appropriate information and go from there.
Oakenshld said:
...I dont want anyone trying to get something for nothing, I think that only raises our costs in the end.
I keep hearing people say this. It really doesn't make much sense to me. While I don't condone piracy, I'm very much confident in my belief that my subscription rate will not go down if all piracy is eradicated. It's just another excuse to justify ever increasing prices. I don't have much sympathy for E*, D* or cable and ultimately they're looking out for themselves, not me. :!:
The Piracy issue is Dishnetworks and Directv's problem to solve, sell your equipment, get top dollar for it and be done with it!

I sell alot of new receivers on ebay myself and I find a good number of those receivers are actually getting activated as additional receivers on existing accounts.

Hey I make a commission when the receiver is activated!!!!!

If you want to sell to ligitiment buyers, don't ship to Canada and don't mention anything about the card. All you need to tell people that the receiver has a zero ballence and can be activated on their account.

I get emails all the time from people asking what type of card comes with the receiver Etc. Whenever someone emails me and asks what type of card comes with the receiver, my responce is always "A card which can be activated"

That stops most of them right from there from making an investment and not knowing what they are getting :)
Claude Greiner said:
If you want to sell to ligitiment buyers, don't ship to Canada and don't mention anything about the card. All you need to tell people that the receiver has a zero ballence and can be activated on their account.

I get emails all the time from people asking what type of card comes with the receiver Etc. Whenever someone emails me and asks what type of card comes with the receiver, my responce is always "A card which can be activated"

That stops most of them right from there from making an investment and not knowing what they are getting :)
I would say that you could give the card or receiver's number so that they can verify that their is not a balance owned on it. But I would agree that a revision number or type of card wouldn't be necessary.
A legit subscriber would ask for the R# on the receiver and the S# on the card so they can verify with Dish that there is no balance. I have done that before and never had any issues.

If they ask for the rev type, then you know you are heading down a bad path.

When I sold a brand new receiver that was still in the plastic, I had 5 e-mails from people asking what rev it was (even though the auction said "I do not have the card # or R# since it is still in the package.

Oakenshld said:
I wanted to know what the best way is to sell my 2 2700's. More than trying to find a buyer, I wanted to know who NOT to sell them to. I have read here not to sell outside of the U.S. I dont want anyone trying to get something for nothing, I think that only raises our costs in the end. Any suggestions?

Thanks :confused:

It's nice to know that America doesn't have any criminals anymore. I wonder what they're doing with all the empty prisons?

No 921s Avl till the middle of March

811 Waiting List at Dish-How long?

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