Question about locals

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Original poster
Jul 14, 2004
Newbie to the forum, please be gentle!!!

I have a buddy who just purchased a DirecTv system. He is in college in Iowa and wants to get local channels from Minneapolis (his hometown). He wants to know if he could accomplish this by giving his Minneapolis zip code, but his Iowa phone number. Any input on this???

If this type of thing is considered illegal or frowned upon on this message board, please let me know.


Short time lurker, first time poster here. I have a similar question.

I may be transferring from the Los Angeles, CA, USA area out to the Phoenix, AZ, USA area soon and do not want to lose some of the local Japanese channels. (in fact there seems to be zero Japanese television programming out in Phoenix (or any Japanese food markets)) I have friends staying in Los Angeles with whom I could set up the billing address. As for the phone number I'm thinking of a VoIP solution like Vonage where you could have your phone number set to be anywhere but ring to whatever IP you set up.

If I succeed in fooling DirecTv about where the boxes are located I should still be able to get the LA area local channels correct?

I also have an off topic question. Does anyone know how I could get more Japanese programming in boonies? I looked at FTA solutions and found I may be able to grab NHK and ChannelJ. What I really want is to get the FCI network. Anyone have any suggestions?

Do a search on "moving" & that should answer most of your questions.

The actual phone# that you have hooked up to the receivers makes NO difference whatsoever. As a matter of fact, some people claim that the phone# you have on your account record MUST be the same# the receivers call in from, but I have 2 different#'s (cell# on my account, landline# on all 4 receivers) & have had ZERO problems.

You have to use a complete "legit" physical address, (not just a zip code) in whatever market you want your locals, but you should check signal strengths on whatever spotbeam your out of market locals are on, at the place you actually are using the receiver(s), BEFORE you activate.
slob180 said:
Newbie to the forum, please be gentle!!!

I have a buddy who just purchased a DirecTv system. He is in college in Iowa and wants to get local channels from Minneapolis (his hometown). He wants to know if he could accomplish this by giving his Minneapolis zip code, but his Iowa phone number. Any input on this???

If this type of thing is considered illegal or frowned upon on this message board, please let me know.



Someone from my vicinity :)
Mpls boy here myself (actually just outside of it)

The spotbeam should work in that area. I know with Dish Network the 3 spotbeams that handle the area handle Des Moines, Mpls, Omaha, Cedar Rapids, Sioux Falls, and hopefully it works.

Just call Direct and have the "physical" address be a Mpls address and have the billing be where he wants the bill sent. Just make sure the address is legit and that there isnt an active account there.
Spot Beams

I apologize in advance for being a n00b.

I searched for "spot beams" and came across this diagram. I'm guessing the Los Angeles, CA area is under "28" and "18". Now I may be moving out to Phoenix, AZ area and according to the map it is not under the same spot beams.

How do I determine which (or if the) spot beam(s) my local channels are on?

How sharp is the spot beam cutoff?

Is anyone out in the Arizona area receiving Los Angeles local broadcast?
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