As mentioned above, I am inquiring on behalf of a co-worker. I have personally seen the equipment he has and let me tell you, it looks like it was made before I was born. I, nor he, is trying to cheat Dish, but rather trying to find a way to get more modern equipment at a reasonable cost.
I have been out here for a couple of months and it amazes me how much people jump to conclusions about people they do not know. I consider myself a very honest and open person. Those that know me could easily vouch for that fact. To insinuate that someone you do not know is trying to cheat or steal, without knowing the facts, can only show others what YOU are really thinking about. Could it be possible that my co-worker would like the opportunity to have the same advantages that the DHA/DHP plan offers. He is not looking for free equipment to own, just wants to lease new desirable equipment to take advantage of a HD ready TV and a new house.
Further, let me ask this question. I currently have an 811, 508, & 3 301's. Why should I as an exisiting customer have to pay more on a monthly basis than a new customer. I have been loyal to Dish for over 3 years, why should I not be entitled to some of the better pricing. I currently am charged 57.99 for the top 150 plan for 3 rooms + 4.99 + 4.99 for my other 2 receivers, yet a new customer would be charged 57.99 for 4 rooms + 4.99 for the 5th receiver.
I understand that the new deals include a 322 w/ 2 tuners, but why not then take back one of the 301's I have and give me a 322. I would gladly pay a small flat non recurring fee for the upgrade instead of always paying 4.99 extra per month. But they have not even considered that yet or provided it as an option to me.