Receivers Not Working

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Original poster
Nov 9, 2011
Long story but here's the short version...going through a divorce and need low cost TV. Moving in with a friend who has the following DTV:

FW2 and FW9 LNB (friends)

Receivers: (Mine)

1) R16-300 SD DVR
2) D-12-100 SD
3) HR24-200 HD DVR

The R16-300 works fine...just hooked it up,
The D-12-100 SD has no signal...hooked up to the same cable.
The HR24-200 has a "Problem communicting with dish (771A)"...hooked up the the same cable(s).

Attached pics of transponder status.

What do I need to do to get all 3 recievers working?


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Long story but here's the short version...going through a divorce and need low cost TV. Moving in with a friend who has the following DTV:

FW2 and FW9 LNB (friends)

Receivers: (Mine)

1) R16-300 SD DVR
2) D-12-100 SD
3) HR24-200 HD DVR

The R16-300 works fine...just hooked it up,
The D-12-100 SD has no signal...hooked up to the same cable.
The HR24-200 has a "Problem communicting with dish (771A)"...hooked up the the same cable(s).

Attached pics of transponder status.

What do I need to do to get all 3 recievers working?

:welcome to Satelliteguys!

I don't know why the D12 doesn't work, was it okay in the previous setup? Maybe the same problem as below for the HR24?
The HR24 probably will be fine after you go into the menu and change the dish setup to the correct dish. BTW, with that dish you won't get hd channels.
That LNB setup is the old HD setup...the "sidecar" setup

The R16 & D12 should work fine on 101W only. Make sure its set up to 18" dish (I think that would be the easiest)
The HR24 you need 2 cables and the BBC's if you want HD
Make sure to run the Repeat Sat Set Up and change the dish to the correct one.

Personally, if possible, I would change the dish out to a Slimline that will easily handle all the recvrs available ...
Thanks for the tips. Selected the correct dish and now the D12 is working fine and no need to step in to a new 2 year contract...I'll keep what I have for now and see how things turn out. In the mean time if a new Slimline shows for cheap I will upgrade.
Thanks for the tips. Selected the correct dish and now the D12 is working fine and no need to step in to a new 2 year contract...I'll keep what I have for now and see how things turn out. In the mean time if a new Slimline shows for cheap I will upgrade.

Glad to see it's all up and running !
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MRV problem

Receiver or TV HDMI Issue??

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