Reception worsening?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
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Jan 24, 2006
I've been with DirecTV since 1998. And I've seen plenty of times where a bad rainstorm will cut out reception until the weather condition subsides. Well, in the past half-hour, my Detroit area has had rain that varied between sprinkles and a mild shower.

Reception of national-based channels have gone out. But the locals are not affected. They're operating like nothing is out of the norm.

The thing that concerns me is why such mild rain would have such impact. In February I switched out of a Single LNB into the 5 LNB to accomodate HD reception. I don't know if this is an important difference. But it seems in the past a mild rainstorm didn't exactly represent such an inconvenience.
DS0816 said:
I've been with DirecTV since 1998. And I've seen plenty of times where a bad rainstorm will cut out reception until the weather condition subsides. Well, in the past half-hour, my Detroit area has had rain that varied between sprinkles and a mild shower.

Reception of national-based channels have gone out. But the locals are no affected.

The thing that concerns me is why such mild rain would have such impact. In February I switched out of a Single LNB into the 5 LNB to accomodate HD reception. I don't know if this is an important difference. But it seems in the past a mild rainstorm didn't exactly represent such an inconvenience.

It sounds like your dish is not properly peaked. You may need to have the installer come back to realign it. There should be no charge for this, if that is indeed the cause.
It's back on. I have a brother in the same city. He's encountered some problems, and he too has the 5 LNB. So right now I'm convinced it that dish. Especially when considering it wasn't initially aligned well when it was installed in February -- and for a month I had return visits from the company installation to correct matters three or four times in that period.

No, I am concerned about whether the technology is insufficient on DirecTV's part. And I'm finding myself considering whether I should hang on to them beyond next February. I love DirecTV, in general, but there are a lot of folks who -- unlike myself -- would not have tolerated all this.
I have found the opposite, since I had my 5 LNB dish installed. Living here in Florida we get lots of heavy rain and since I have had the new 5 LNB dish installed, rain fade periods are a lot shorter. Again, it could be because the dish is peaked better than my 3 LNB dish was.
I agree with raoul5788,
Now that it's been awile and its not peaked correctly, call them back out and tell them you need the dish re-aligned.

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