Red Auerbach passes

This man is more than the owner of 16 championships with coutnless Hall of Famers, he is one of the most imporant figures in Boston, Basketball, and Sports History. He was the 1st to hire a black coach and helped others overcome barriers that were ruining society at the time. Without this man there is No NBA As We Know It Today.
Its funny that most people were quick to label the Celts racist.

While the city has a history of racial inequality the Celtics were one of the teams out in front of race issues.

The first team to draft an african american player.
The first team to start five african american players.
The first team to hire an african american coach.

Add to that he did it in BOSTON!

Red was the best coach in pro sports of all time. He was a great leader.

I will light a Hoyo de Montorrey and smoke one in his honor.

(Yeah it was cool to smoke "reds" cigars after I tried them they were so good and full bodied that they are now a staple in my humidor!)

Go Celts!

Welcome Ramy!

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