Welcome Ramy!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I would like to welcome Ramy to the SatelliteGuys Staff! Ramy is our new head of our Sports Department. :)

As you will notice the sports section has moved up and we expect it to become very active again now that it is in easy sight. :)

Please help me welcome Ramy to the SatelliteGuys Staff!
:welcome To the Staff Ramy
(I hope that didn't sound wrong, I am not staff)
Glad to see you have been promoted.

I think the Sports pages will be more active being moved up the scale as well, I have been hoping this would happen.

In the past month or so, A lot of us have been haveing a very good time in the Sports section regardless of the location, between the baseball season, Worlds Series and playoffs and the BCS conversasions and our "Ohio State vs Michigan " thread as well.

I expect the later two to continue it's banter for quite awhile yet.

Congrats Ramy,

Thanks goes to Scott for allowing me the opportunity to do this. I love just about all sports.

Yes the banter has been good over the last few weeks. I knew fo a while this was coming so I thought I would pay closer attention to the Sport Forum.

Buckeyes On Espnu????

Red Auerbach passes

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