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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
How does the below happen? Quirk? A mod decides the public discourse is heading in a bad direction? Something else?

Certainly a weird thread. I don’t even understand what “recover my Dish equipment schematically” means.

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Edwin has been possibly trolling with several posts which make little sense. He even started a conversation with me on one of them which I ignored. I'm sure that he's being watched. He has a new one up since this one. Now he is looking for software to draw his Dish network.
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It means it was closed by the poster or a mod.

I guess the wording was changed with a recent upgrade as it use to say something like "Topic Locked" or "Thread Closed" (I cant remember) :)

But good news is... I was today years old when I learned we can now put members on Post Approval. Meaning for problem users we can turn this on and when they post it won't be seen until a mod approves or denies their post. :D
A product of AI ,artificial ignorance.
I was a field computer tech for a long time. We used to stand behind people and ask them what issue they were having, and could they duplicate it. They'd do so, and ask us what it seems that the problem is. "Yep, I see that it appears to be an I.O. error" (idiot operator) LOL!
Is it not possible to allow a particular poster to post all he/she wants, but no one else sees it and they get tired of it and move on elsewhere? :whistle

So now we might have the option to PM the OP rather than not post in the thread (or lose all communication)?

Some come to stir trouble, or gather “followers” that they might make use of. I recall, Lo! these many years ago, some guy proclaimed himself to be “preacher and prophet” to his flock, and -I- (navychop) was anti-handicapped. Even after I posted that I was actually active in hiring such, and even got an award from MD for such. But I guess when you’re a “preacher and prophet” (how can you claim such with a straight face?) you know everything.

Anyway, he seemed to vanish quickly and so too may this pass.
It means it was closed by the poster or a mod.

I guess the wording was changed with a recent upgrade as it use to say something like "Topic Locked" or "Thread Closed" (I cant remember) :)

But good news is... I was today years old when I learned we can now put members on Post Approval. Meaning for problem users we can turn this on and when they post it won't be seen until a mod approves or denies their post. :D
Uh oh
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Funny, but like microwave popcorn, it is bad for those with breathing/lung issues.
What do you mean? I have asthma and have no issues with microwaved popcorn.
Not joking.
Ha! I liked Jiffy Pop popcorn as well and I'm not joking either. Predated the microwave bag and came out pretty well. Ah, to be young again.
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