Reverted back

Oddly enough, my Joey and WJ still have the Carbon UI, all Hoppers have reverted to S529, but the Joeys are still working.
OK here is what I know now...

The key combo we have been using was given to retailers to use if they install a 4K Joey in a house with a Hopper setup. The Carbon UI is needed or the 4K Joey would not work in a Hopper setting.

They pulled the software because it was a real old version and were prepping it for new software as the 4K Joey is about to hit the streets.

When they have the new software up it will be available again as again they need it for the 4K Joey.

Because of the Holiday I have not found out when this will be but I do suspect it will be shortly as they didn't realize that the boxes targeted to new update to the old UI would download that software (aka revert) nor did they realize that the Joey software stayed the same even though the Hopper itself went backwards.

Again that's what I know, and and that's from piecing information together, so if I am wrong on something please don't shoot me, I am just trying to pass things along to you as I know it. :)
Thank you Scott. I really liked the new ui and hope we will be able to upgrade again soon so it would fix my joeys too. Eventhough it pretty much bricked my joeys, this is a hobby for me and i enjoyed every bit of it even the trouble part. :) so thank you again for all follow ups and keeping us up to date.
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Are you out of your mind?!

Now that my SJ is back to normal, I'm afraid to even change the channel. :biggrin2

this is a hobby of mine and i really enjoy testing new stuff. There are risks and i am ok with it. Risks are part of this hobby.

Same here. I love testing out new software. I do all the iOS betas and such. Would love if Dish had more of a beta testing system setup.
Scott, any news or info about if and when we are going to be able to try a newer beta ui?
Nope nothing. I do know they are working on a final version to put there to co inside with the release of the 4K Joey. I definitely think we will see something within the next 2 weeks.
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Nope nothing. I do know they are working on a final version to put there to co inside with the release of the 4K Joey. I definitely think we will see something within the next 2 weeks.
Well, I for one, am grateful that Dish covered my ignorant butt by restoring a functional GUI to my Joeys. I tried the beta (at best) version in haste - a mistake I hope not to repeat. In case I might be tempted to do so again in the future I have automatic braking installed in the form of my not-so-happy-with-me wife.
From what I have read they released an older build to the test group. Not the same build that the dish network employees are testing. So that was their mistake to release an unstable build #. They should fix it for everyone that is having issues reverting back. I didnt see the post on how to do it or I would have done it. So hopefully they will release the latest stable build that is in circulation for us to test very soon!
They did not really "release" it either. We kind of took it on our own. I hate to use any other more descriptive word

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