RF modulator


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 24, 2004
Can anyone recommend a good RF modulator? It can take the output from several dish receivers, modulate them into several VHF/UHF channels, and feed into the cable home run to the entire house.
You will need a seperate modulator for each receiver with the ability to tune to an unused channel within your system.
Anything other than channel 3/4 gets pretty expensive.
rjad said:
Can anyone recommend a good RF modulator? It can take the output from several dish receivers, modulate them into several VHF/UHF channels, and feed into the cable home run to the entire house.

I've got a couple that I got from Radio Shack. I think they were under $30 each. You can use composite cables in and RG-6 output to standard off air or cable frequencies.
ASKA makes one that suppports 3 Channels called the RDFM-3. I bought mine for about $80 and it works great.
drjake, thanks for the information. I couldn't find RDFM-3, I did see RFDM-3 from google search. The specs says a mono audio output, is it true?

I know you mentioned, but I just want to make sure: the three input will get modulated into three channels, unlike some cheap ones where, though you have three inputs, you can only select one input at a least by using the selectors.
I also saw those "Channel Vision" mutiple input RF modulators: C-0303, C-0304. They are pretty expensive, anybody tried them?
You are right, it is RFDM-3 It is mono, although it receives Stereo from an RCA patch cord and combines the signal into mono. It is digital and has three inputs and transimits three separate channels. I use 119, 121 and 125. A friend is using UHF rather than cable and it works fine for him.

Does the 811 come with a DVI cable?

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