RFD TV To Launch 2nd Channel

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Feb 27, 2010
Traverse City, Michigan
103 C
3915 H 4408

I just saw a promo on this channel that they are launching a 2nd channel in February called "Rural TV" and that it will give them a place to run shows many viewers request that won't fit in the existing schedule.
I don't know what they will put up on it, I only watch HeeHaw on RFD-1 so who knows what will show up on RFD-2.
But in light of loosing a few channels recently this is good news!
yep there was a thread on it in another area of the forum about it coming beginning of February

any new English channel is good :)
Did I misread your post and there are 2 channels in that mux?
I just checked and only got RFD TV on a scan
No, I only see 1 at this time.
Maybe I should clarify I only posted the existing ch for reference.
I'm guessing the RFD-2 will tie in with this.
We used to watch RFD TV more frequently when it was airing antique tractor programming. They had tractor pulling competition, parades, auctions and general shows demonstrating restorations and such. While probably not everyone's preferred programming, it's what we miss. I hope to see a return.
I like the antique tractor stuff too, and it is still on, saw it Sunday afternoon. But it is buried by all the equestrian stuff that dominates the channel these days. Maybe this will change with the extra channel.
Rural TV is up this morning on AMC-1, 3928,H,2449. Looks the same as RFD thus far, but I assume that will change as they bring their programming online.
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