sullivbt said:
if Richmond locals are now on 110, what are the options for the present 105 SuperDish owners? Can you use one of the new Repoint Kits or does that only work on the 121 SuperDish's? I was thinking about getting one of the new HD packages - should I repoint my exisiting 105 SD or ask for a new 1000 or 1000+?
Just like Jpar, it sounds like you have a SD-105 and may not need to receive 105 in the future with your locals moving to 110; but if you upgrade to a HD package you will need either 129 or 61.5.
So for, the SuperDish Repoint Kit has not come out. Although when Scott first reported it, he mentioned it was for the SD-121; however, I've read somewhere that the SD-121 and SD-105 were identical except for the "LNBF cluster" and if that is true, my feeling is the Repoint Kit will work on either model. Guess we need to wait and see.
Until it does come out, you could:
- Peak the SD-105 for 129 (or 61.5), and use a Dish 500 for 119 & 110;
- Peak the SD-105 for 119 & 110, and use a Dish 500 for 129 (or 61.5);
- Remove the SD-105, and install a Dish 1000+ with a DP-34, without using the 118.7.
- Maybe someone else knows what options Dish may give you for upgrading.