Rumor: Sprint taking pre-orders for HTC 7 Pro December 8th [Updated]

I am sure Sprint will cock it up and slap the Evo tax on it. :rant:

My next phone will be a WIN 7 phone, providing the Evo tax isn't on it. My current BB Tour is just getting too long in the tooth, web browsing especially. :)
the problem with this phone is it is 18 months late for the market. a number of windows mobile phone users have moved on to something else like android.

I would have to agree that many have moved on but I sure hope they don't throw on the $10 EVO tax or even less will bite!
Yeah I would think at some point they will have a updated verison of the SlingPlayer for the Win7 Phones.
The phone doesn't appear to a 4G phone, so no $10 Premium Data charge. Hopefully if it does have a wimax radio it will carry the Premium Data Fee, as all 4G devices on Sprint should. Microsoft failed at cell phones before, I think this will be no different. I'd be very shocked to see the Windows Phone 7 Platform actually take off. Hardwarewise the phone looks pretty good, just too bad it has a physical keyboard. Glad to see Sprint offering this, more platform choices is always a good thing, and HTC makes some great handsets. Hopefully more higher end Android phones come out soon along with more Windows Phones.
I'd be very shocked to see the Windows Phone 7 Platform actually take off.
Actually, it is possible this might happen
First Windows Phone 7 handsets sell out ? The Register
The first Windows 7 handsets are flying out of shops faster than they can be supplied.

Orange has started pre-booking for handsets, and is offering customers £20 HMV vouchers to help them cope with the wait while new stocks come in. Meanwhile, HTC and Samsung handsets are selling out as they fast as they can be shipped to the stores...But what is clear is that this isn't an artificial shortage created to give the impression of popularity, attractive as that explanation might be.

The phone doesn't appear to a 4G phone, so no $10 Premium Data charge. Hopefully if it does have a wimax radio it will carry the Premium Data Fee, as all 4G devices on Sprint should. Microsoft failed at cell phones before, I think this will be no different. I'd be very shocked to see the Windows Phone 7 Platform actually take off. Hardwarewise the phone looks pretty good, just too bad it has a physical keyboard. Glad to see Sprint offering this, more platform choices is always a good thing, and HTC makes some great handsets. Hopefully more higher end Android phones come out soon along with more Windows Phones.

I disagree Steve, no physical keyboard, no sale. That's why I didn't get an EVO. I MUST have a physical keyboard, because I wear gloves a lot and my last touchscreen dumbphone was crap with gloves.
I am not saying you aren't, but I think that MS isn't aiming WIN7 at kids, they want ADULT customers that use the devices as they are. Which is what I want, I am past the stage of either wanting to or having to root or jailbreak a phone to use it. I want it to just work, like my BB does. If MS can provide this, they have my business. :up

And it will be a cold day in HELL before anything with Apple on it darkens my door. :D
I can't see how people can use a real keyboard on a phone. I've been playing with the Samsung Epic a lot to see how it compares to my Evo. The physical keyboard is such a turn off.

As for the 'demand', I wouldn't put it past MS to make it an artificial shortage. They know this is their last shot at having a presence in the ever expanding mobile world. They've been producing failure after failure when it comes to mobile computing. Palmtops, Pocket PCs, the first Windows Mobile phones, the Kin and now this is their last shot with RIM basically creating in the industry, Apple transforming the industry and Android establishing itself, it's now or never for Microsoft and they need to make Windows Phone 7 look like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

And I can't really see how Microsoft is targeting their phone to be more 'adult', have you seen their commercials? They don't exactly scream adult to me.
I disagree Steve, no physical keyboard, no sale. That's why I didn't get an EVO. I MUST have a physical keyboard, because I wear gloves a lot and my last touchscreen dumbphone was crap with gloves.
I am not saying you aren't, but I think that MS isn't aiming WIN7 at kids, they want ADULT customers that use the devices as they are. Which is what I want, I am past the stage of either wanting to or having to root or jailbreak a phone to use it. I want it to just work, like my BB does. If MS can provide this, they have my business. :up

And it will be a cold day in HELL before anything with Apple on it darkens my door. :D

Epic... you don't have to root it to use it either. Unless you want to tether with it for free or something like that. Awesome phone.

WP7 is way too late in the game... Android is already smashing through iPhone already. WP7 will be garbage with all the locked down stuff it will be the iPhone all over again but worse.
I can't see how people can use a real keyboard on a phone. I've been playing with the Samsung Epic a lot to see how it compares to my Evo. The physical keyboard is such a turn off.

Everyone has their different ways... I've been using phones/pagers with real keyboards since 2001. I can't go back. I've tried. I played with the EVO and iPhone before to text people. I just can't do it... it takes too much time and I get aggravated with it very quickly. I could guarantee you that if my keyboard broke on the Epic and I had to use the Swype for several days, you wouldn't see my type any emails or texts in that thing until I got a replacement phone.
Epic... you don't have to root it to use it either. Unless you want to tether with it for free or something like that. Awesome phone.

What about removing the bloat? The only reason why I would want to root is to be able to remove the junk. I love the Android OS, I love the Evo and I love Sprint service, I just wish they'd let you uninstall the crap that comes preloaded on the phone. I think social networking is retarded. I don't need nor want the Facebook or Twitter apps on my phone. It would be great if I could remove them, especially the Facebook app. The Sprint Football Live app is next to useless. I have the real NFL Mobile app, don't need Sprints version. And I'm sure some people prefer Google Navigation to Sprint Navigation, I don't but still that should be able to be removed as well. And another reason I would root is so I could change my Market ID (I think that's what its called) so I could have access to the Full Android market including apps that are specific to certain carriers, so I don't have to screw around at the Android hack forums every time there's an update to the Verizon exclusive apps I'm running and I could just get the updates directly from the market. And plus it would be great to see what else is out there.

What about removing the bloat? The only reason why I would want to root is to be able to remove the junk. I love the Android OS, I love the Evo and I love Sprint service, I just wish they'd let you uninstall the crap that comes preloaded on the phone. I think social networking is retarded. I don't need nor want the Facebook or Twitter apps on my phone. It would be great if I could remove them, especially the Facebook app. The Sprint Football Live app is next to useless. I have the real NFL Mobile app, don't need Sprints version. And I'm sure some people prefer Google Navigation to Sprint Navigation, I don't but still that should be able to be removed as well. And another reason I would root is so I could change my Market ID (I think that's what its called) so I could have access to the Full Android market including apps that are specific to certain carriers, so I don't have to screw around at the Android hack forums every time there's an update to the Verizon exclusive apps I'm running and I could just get the updates directly from the market. And plus it would be great to see what else is out there.

Here is what i dont get. I had the Droid X and the phone ran incredible fast and had no lag. I had enough of Verizon Financial Services mistakes so on to T-Mo. I went with the HD2 to stick with a larger Screen. I have flashed it to a custom rom and also put on Andriod. My quadrant is just as high as an Evo and Epic. I tried the Samsung Vibrant and dumped within 24 Hrs because of Touch Wiz.

Now I did add a second phone T-Mo G2. Most of the supposed Bloat ware is icons like BB's that you need to launch and then install. Droid X is the same way. To me bloat ware is overrated with 1GHZ Hummingbird, Arm and Snap Dragons. I am sorry but my G2 quadrant is higher than most current Android's and the processor is throttled down to 800MHZ.

With VISIONary I have root and it will regain root on reboot because of the app. The only apps I use for root are Adfree, Titanmum back Up and Screen Capture apps.

I understand the want to get access to more stuff in the Market accept I believe it detects the processor and blocks out some of the apps as well. As an example a coworker has the My Touch 3G and it will not let him see Angry Birds. If I want an app bad enough I search for the name + apk or go to xda-developers.

In the end WinMO is way to late to game. Tiling is a joking. I wish the HD7 coming to T-Mo had Android but who knows since HTC HD2 runs WinMO, Ubuntu, Android and One other operating system and soon to have WinMO7.

What about removing the bloat? The only reason why I would want to root is to be able to remove the junk. I love the Android OS, I love the Evo and I love Sprint service, I just wish they'd let you uninstall the crap that comes preloaded on the phone. I think social networking is retarded. I don't need nor want the Facebook or Twitter apps on my phone. It would be great if I could remove them, especially the Facebook app. The Sprint Football Live app is next to useless. I have the real NFL Mobile app, don't need Sprints version. And I'm sure some people prefer Google Navigation to Sprint Navigation, I don't but still that should be able to be removed as well. And another reason I would root is so I could change my Market ID (I think that's what its called) so I could have access to the Full Android market including apps that are specific to certain carriers, so I don't have to screw around at the Android hack forums every time there's an update to the Verizon exclusive apps I'm running and I could just get the updates directly from the market. And plus it would be great to see what else is out there.

You misunderstood... for normal consumer use there is no need to root. If you want to do some out of the box things then yes you will have to root. I could care less if the few apps were on my phone...hell I install stuff and forget to uninstall it weeks later. There's so much room on this phone I haven't even worried about stuff like that. And the app isn't running so it isn't killing any of the CPU on the phone.

Now of course being a the techy type I am rooted... it was so easy. Much easier than the WinMo world to unlock things and install aftermarket ROMs. But that's just me, I love tinkering with the phone in an open environment such as this one.
I can't see how people can use a real keyboard on a phone. I've been playing with the Samsung Epic a lot to see how it compares to my Evo. The physical keyboard is such a turn off.

As for the 'demand', I wouldn't put it past MS to make it an artificial shortage. They know this is their last shot at having a presence in the ever expanding mobile world. They've been producing failure after failure when it comes to mobile computing. Palmtops, Pocket PCs, the first Windows Mobile phones, the Kin and now this is their last shot with RIM basically creating in the industry, Apple transforming the industry and Android establishing itself, it's now or never for Microsoft and they need to make Windows Phone 7 look like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

And I can't really see how Microsoft is targeting their phone to be more 'adult', have you seen their commercials? They don't exactly scream adult to me.

That was just a guess, Steve. I haven't seen a single WIN 7 phone commercial on TV, all I have seen is on the web. I like physical keyboards, I am just old school like that.

T, ain't no way I am paying 10 bucks extra because of some nebulous "enhanced experience" BS. Its just that, BS. Hesse LIED to us about the Evo tax, and some of us resent it like hell. I signed up with Sprint partly because of the promise of "no extra charge for 4g" line and I got shafted.
Now I did add a second phone T-Mo G2. Most of the supposed Bloat ware is icons like BB's that you need to launch and then install. Droid X is the same way. To me bloat ware is overrated with 1GHZ Hummingbird, Arm and Snap Dragons. I am sorry but my G2 quadrant is higher than most current Android's and the processor is throttled down to 800MHZ.
Don't care how much it uses when it comes to space or memory, I do not want Facebook or Twitter on my phone whether I use them or not. Junk like Facebook is installed on the phone, not just there ready to be installed. For a platform that is supposed to be 'open' I should be able to remove anything I want that is not vital to system performance.
If I want an app bad enough I search for the name + apk or go to xda-developers.

I do the same thing but it would be eaiser to just go to the market and update.

You misunderstood... for normal consumer use there is no need to root.

Gotchya. I'd root too if it was fairly easy to root an Evo running Froyo. Last time I bothered to look, it wasn't.
T, ain't no way I am paying 10 bucks extra because of some nebulous "enhanced experience" BS. Its just that, BS. Hesse LIED to us about the Evo tax, and some of us resent it like hell. I signed up with Sprint partly because of the promise of "no extra charge for 4g" line and I got shafted.

The $10 Premium Data Fee doesn't bother me and I support it fully! The cost of launching wimax isn't cheap. I'm hoping the extra $10 Sprint collects from the premium data fee goes into building up and expanding their 4G network, I'd love to have 4G access here in Buffalo, just not a few days a week when I'm in Rochester. In the end Sprint is still the most cost effective solution when comparing them to AT&T and Verizon Wireless even with the $10 fee. I have just about unlimited everything with Sprint and I'm paying $160/month (including the premium data fee), when I had the iPhone, unlimited everything with AT&T was also $160/month. Only difference is with Sprint, I have a three phone plan, with AT&T I only had 1 phone. Also Sprint has no caps on data usage on smartphones, and if you have an air card, 4G is unlimited. I constantly use 3-4GB per month on my phone, and I'm on a network with the stability and reliability to be able to take advantage of data on the go.
My only problem with Android OS is that everyone is adding their own bloat and UI to it as been noted in this thread. That pushes me against it. The only nice UI for Android other than stock is Sense UI. On the other hand, WebOS is a much better overall OS than Android imo, so I am perfectly fine. The HTC 7 Pro does look appealing though
Epic... you don't have to root it to use it either. Unless you want to tether with it for free or something like that. Awesome phone.

WP7 is way too late in the game... Android is already smashing through iPhone already. WP7 will be garbage with all the locked down stuff it will be the iPhone all over again but worse.

I don't think that will be the case and allot of the WP7 device are sold out already.. WP7 is not to late many developers are already jumping on board since Microsoft really does a good job getting them the tools they need. Also the hardware is just as good as anything the Android have if not better and there are some already jumping ship now that WP7 devices are hitting the market. This is the real 1st time Microsoft is getting serious about the mobile market and any of their competitors think they will not do well have their heads in the sand. Remember people Android Apple are big but the real giant has showed up now it will do as well as they choose. :)
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