?s on dvb boxes and motors.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 18, 2006
I'm thinking of getting one down the road. I've read in many posts that they can do usals or diseqc. My question is can you have both a normal fta receiver an a pc card or usb thing like the dvb worldbox control the motor? Will connecting the pc card to the fta receiver's if out allow the pc card to control the motor, and will that mess with the way the fta receiver sees and runs the motor?
As I understand it, as long as the FTA box is off, but, in standby mode (not turned off from the switch on the back of the receiver) it should pass power to the motor. It works fine for tuning the sats. I don't feel that my setup can power the motor that well, so I use my Pansat 2700a to move the dish to the sat I want and then turn the receiver off ( standby) and scan and watch tv with my pc card setup. (Twinhan 1020a) That works pretty good for me. And I think it's less stress on the card. BUT, it is supposed to work. I just haven't tried it yet.
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Will this work for HD?

Twinhan Starbox Driver with TS Reader

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