Will this work for HD?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 2, 2006
Sorry if this has already been asked, I looked and did not see a clear answer.
I have a P4 1.7Ghz with 1 Gig ram, Nvidia Gforce3 Video card (128meg ram) and SB card. Have a Twinhan 1020a PC card. I have got it working with my 31" Fortec Dish & SG2100 motor ( currently using my Pansat 2700a to move the dish as I have not figured out how to get motor function working in ProgDVB).
I was wondering if this setup would work with the PBS HD feed I have been reading about? It works fine on regular sats like G10r and suprisingly finds all the feeds even though the Twinhan does not have blindscan like the Pansat.
Will this setup have enough power to do HD? And do I need any special plugins or drivers for Video? ( just feeding a 21" Sony monitor for now)
Thanks for any info anyone wishes to share.
the video card may be a problem. i would suggest getting a new video card. You can get a fairly descent card for a reasonable price. decoders are also very important. nvidia pure video or powerdvd work for ota HD for me i haven't gotten my dish setup yet to try for hd.
Thanks, yes I have thought that the video card might not handle the load. I guess the best thing to do is just give it a try and see if I can tune it in. Worst that can happen is a lockup or nothing at all !!
I do appreciate your input.
Well, gave it a try!! It does work, however, my cpu usage was pegged at 100% !!! (AMC3 PBS HD) And lOTS of blocks and breakup.
When it did try to settle down, I had a pretty nice looking picture...........for a while!!
I guess, I had better invest in a newer video card after all !! And maybe move the pc sat card over to my main computer which is a P4 3.0Ghz system. (has same video card) Maybe that will help.

Edit: Switched to AltDVB and changed various video decoders around and got 93-97% cpu usage and clean video, slow video, but no more blocky breaking up. Now, if I can only figure out how to get the AC3 audio to work!!
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digiblur said:
Have you tried DVBDream and the Pure Video codec?
No, haven't tried DVBDream yet. And as I understand it you have to purchase the Pure Video codec. I was thinking about upgrading my video cards (well, at least one of them) and hoping that the Pure Video codec was included in the package.
(with my luck, probably not!!)
How easy is DVBDream to set up? It took me a while to get ProgDVB and then later AltDVB to working. Lots of different options to set. The graphs thing I still am not sure about. I just messed with different settings (after installing a downloaded pack of different codecs) and finally found a combination that didn't cause an error message to pop up and got video and audio. ( on SD channels, not the HD channels)
DVBDream is very easy. The built in USALS is awesome too! I love their codec setup. No graph files, just pick one and go. The best thing of all..... DVBDream is FREEWARE!
digiblur said:
DVBDream is very easy. The built in USALS is awesome too! I love their codec setup. No graph files, just pick one and go. The best thing of all..... DVBDream is FREEWARE!
Ahhhhhhhh, I like FREEWARE!!!
Thanks, I have downloaded DVBDream and plan to install it later today. Glad to hear that it supports USALS, I have had all kinds of fits getting ProgDVB and AltDVB to move the dish correctly. (probably just me) Another thing I have had problems with, is each time I want to add a sat, my dish & motor are setup with a DiseqC switch between the Motor and LNB's, one lead(#1) going to a Linear Ku Lnb and the other to a circular Lnb(#4) , for some reason, I have to delete an lnb in the setup menu ( for instance if I put 97W on #1 lnb and later want to add G10R--123W, on the same lnb , I have to delete the first lnb and re-add the lnb and then scan the sat after choosing it from the list. I know I'm doing something wrong, but, what I have no idea. It's not like setting up a FTA box that just allows you to add sats and move the dish to their position and scan!! ) I have yet to find a clear explaination on how to use either program with a dish & motor.
Sadie said:
I tried RitzBVB and the nvidia codec, I'm getting 40-80% cpu on PBS HD and I only have a 64M Radeon 7000 vidio card . The cyberlink codec pegs the system at 100% cpu.
You really have to play around, with Mytheatre the nvidia codec pegs the CPU at 100% and the result is unwatchable. On the under hand cyberlink now will give a watchable picture with the occasional dropped frame and CPU at 100%.
I guess I'm going have to get codecs and graphs figured out it seems to be the key to HD.

I thought the same thing... I played with the graphs and got it working in RitzDVB but I've ditched Ritz for DVBDream due to the auto-graph building in DVBDream.
I finally built a rig that can handle the worst I can throw at it (at the moment at least heheh).

Core2duo 6300 (1.8GHz) with a Nvidia 6600GT. I can play live 1080i or 720p streams with about 80% cpu util. If I overclock it to 2.3GHz, its about 60% cpu.

Current setup:
MyHTPC -> TSReader -> Media Player Classic -> Cyberlink h.264 filter
MyHTPC -> TSReader -> Media Player Classic -> CoreAVC h.264 filter

I have found the cyberlink h.264 filter will deinterlace 1080i feeds, but the CoreAVC filter will not. I give the CoreAVC filter higher marks on progressive feeds though.

Plain mpeg2 decoding works great.
I tried RitzBVB and the nvidia codec, I'm getting 40-80% cpu on PBS HD and I only have a 64M Radeon 7000 vidio card . The cyberlink codec pegs the system at 100% cpu.
You really have to play around, with Mytheatre the nvidia codec pegs the CPU at 100% and the result is unwatchable. On the under hand cyberlink now will give a watchable picture with the occasional dropped frame and CPU at 100%.
I guess I'm going have to get codecs and graphs figured out it seems to be the key to HD.
I finally got mine working on a different system, but, now I have problems with the audio (AC3) on PBS HD & the HD promo channel on 82W. The audio sounds like someone that has inhaled helium( audio speeded up) and the audio is choppy too. But, the video is great. I still have not tried the NVidia PureVideo codec yet.
I guess, I should download the trial version and see if it works.
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My receiver's gone batty!

?s on dvb boxes and motors.

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