Sampling of Where the 811 Installs are Being Rescheduled


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I setup my install for an 811 for Tuesday, December 16th. This was scheduled back on December 3rd. I'm in the greater Phoenix area and after hearing of all the postponed installs, I would like to know if they are isolated to certain areas of the country, or happening everywhere, especially in AZ.

I'm sure everyone who has an 811 scheduled for installation is wondering where the shortages are.

I'm trying to figure out if I should start calling to make sure my install goes as scheduled so I don't lose a vacation day.
I'm in NW Ohio. I called on Thursday 12/11 and ordered my 811; I was assigned a 12/15 AM install slot. Today I got a call from DigitalDish telling me that they had no receivers, and that my install would be sometime after the 20th. Ack!
Mine was scheduled for this past Thursday 12/11/03 and I got a call from the local saying "no 811's until Friday 12/12/03.

So mine is rescheduled for Monday 12/15/03 here in So Cal
I was originally scheduled for tomorrow(Dec 14th). I had to ask them about something and called Dish. They told me my install is rescheduled to Jan 2nd! They said the local installer is low on staff and that's all they could do. So, I asked them to cancel my order, at which point the rep said he'll check with the local hub around here. He finally rescheduled my install for Dec 17th(wednesday).

I told him numerous times that I have to take a day off that day and they better keep that appointment. I live in Philly suburbs.

Anyone wanna bet on the fact that I'll get my install done on 17th?
So far. my Dish installer has missed two appointments and not even called me once. On the last appointment, I even called on Thursday and was assured they had 811s and would be here Friday morning. They did not show up and now claim they did not have any 811s. No appointment rescheduled yet. Satellite Unlimited in Birmingham is my installer for Pensacola FL. Anyone else had any experience with these Yahoos.
Same here, none in stock in Louisiana, can't get them from Dallas either.. ordered 12/8, first install slated for 12/11, then 12/14, now pushed back to 12/21 .. or 2004 :p
I live in metro-Denver. I placed my order for the 811 @ $149 about 9AM Tuesday, 12/9/03. They scheduled my install for 12/11 AM. Wednesday afternoon had a message from Dish that there may be a problem with the install and I could call then and re-schedule or see what happened the next day. :?:

I waited, or at least my wife waited. Installer sub called about 9 AM and said they couldn't make the install because there weren't any 811's available. We were re-scheduled to 12/23/03 AM. :(

Wife talked to the installer sub, E* CSR, and E* executive CSR. The latter was rude and defensive. Wife challenged that E* CSR should know if units are available for install when they initially set up the install. Executive CSR said that the CSRs have access to that information and that there were units available when the install appointment was made. :x

Subsequently the E* regular CSR told her that they have no way of knowing if units are available for install in a given area and that he could only hope for the best with our 12/23 install date. He and the installer sub were at least polite and sympathic to the situation.

E* could sure use some CS management and training.
My install was supposed to be 12/11, called to check on it 12/11, was told the installers vans' engine check light came on, so he was returning to the shop. Said he should show up about noon. A little after 12, they called and said the installer couldn't make it, got rescheduled for 12/18.
bcw said:
My install was supposed to be 12/11, called to check on it 12/11, was told the installers vans' engine check light came on, so he was returning to the shop. Said he should show up about noon. A little after 12, they called and said the installer couldn't make it, got rescheduled for 12/18.

I think that means they didn't have any 811's in stock.
I guess I lucked out. I called the Dec 3 to get the upgrade. I was scheduled for the 7th between 8am-12pm. Installers were there at 10am. The 811 isn't all its cracked up to be though....

I'm in Southern Indiana near Louisville, KY by the way.
I ordered one on december 8 and got it installed on the 12. It works well except I have some issues with the music channels and audio on the over the air sd channels. I'm in se florida
Lucky Me Also

I'm in the Tampa Bay area. I called on the 3rd and was scheduled for the morning of the 5th. The installer showed up inside the scheduled window and did a great job. Since it was my 5th receiver he installed an additional SW64 that I thought I was going to have to do by myself. Great service! Now I just hope the software updates will improve the 811, which can definately stand some improvement.
I was scheduled for the 6th, no reciever, the 13th, no reciever, now they think 18th. Seems like the 811 and SuperDish are just too popular!
Well after calling Dish yesterday to make sure I was still scheduled for Tuesday, I was told that everything was a go. I just got a call from the Dish dispatcher here in Phoenix. She said that she got an email from corporate saying I called and said that they better give me some advance notice if they are going to postpone my install. The dispatcher was nice but said that they are out of 811's and the warehouse here in Gilbert is closed so she can't find out when the next shipment is coming in. I told her I placed my order back on December 3rd, so I find it hard to belieive they didn't order one for me. I also told her I didn't want one of those 'last minute' cancellations because I won't be a happy camper if I take the day off from work and have nothing to show for it. She said that she gets in at 8 AM and will call the warehouse manager as soon as she gets in to find out when the shipment is coming in.

I asked her if they ever had any 811's in and she said that she didn't know because she was out all last week and today was her first day back. She didn't know what was going on. She said that her mom & dad ordered an 811 last week and they are waiting for one also.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning if they are getting any in or not.
:evil: :evil: Modesto, CA. Ordered my 811 on December 9th from Dish. Promised installation on the 11th. Postponed to the 12th (sick technician). Postponed to the 13th (sick technician). Postponed to the 16th (no units available). I must call on the 15th to see if units are in. It's been a frustrating run-a-round.
Seacast NH - ordered on Dec. 3 for a scheduled Dec. 5th install. Installer called on the 4th and left a message saying they had no 811s. When I called back they told me they have no idea when they'll arrive. Calling Dish gave no more information. Of course, they charged my credit card immediately.
I ordered mine at 11:00 AM the first day you could order it and they said they would install it on Dec. 7 and American Digital Systems called me on Dec. 6 and said they did not have any in stock and would reschedule me for 30 days later and if they received any sooner they would give me a call. A friend of mine ordered his a couple of days later and they gave him a install date of Dec. 13 and he got his call on the 12th saying they do not have any in stock and are waiting on Dish Network to send them some so us guys here in the Tulsa OK area are just going to have to live with our Dish Network 6000 HD receivers a little longer. I can not complain to much the price is great I just wish they would wait and call you with the install date when they had one in stock tagged just for you, we are paying for the receivers in advance the least they could do is hold it for you until the install date and and if they do not have them instock at least give you 3 day advanced notice so you dont take a day off of work for nothing. And on another note where is my damn 921 I want to start beta testing it.
Dish called my house at 7:40 this morning! Im going to have someone's @$$ for that one.

Anyhow, they were calling to cancel Thursday's appointment. They said they will call "sometime after Christmas" to reschedule.

Oh I can't wait to call the Exec CSRs office and let them explain why they charged my credit card over two weeks ago for product they obviously have no intention of delivering.
In Philadelphia, called on 11/Dec, assigned an appointment on Sunday 14/Dec between 8:00a and 12:00 noon. Nothing by 12:30, called Dish and was told I was rescheduled for Tuesday 16/Dec between 8:00 and 12:00. Told them it would have been nice if someone called me since we won't be home Tuesday morning! :? Now scheduled for Wednesday 17/Dec from 8:00 to 12:00, luckily my wife will be home that day. Give reason was "lack of inventory".

The kicker is that as long as this service call is open, I can't open a new call to get the "must carry" dish for 61.5 so we can see CBS-HD.

We'll see what Wednesday brings.....
Reno, scheduled install for the 14th, they called the 13th with no receivers and rescheduled for some time after the 23rd. No receivers until then

Interesting SBC News... Any ideas?

Does AEP include locals?

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