Sharing a Netflix account will be even easier starting this summer

No, you'd have to be a typical family.

I gave up on netflix suggestions some time ago because they are cluttered with anime, Pretty Little Zombie Vampire shows and other junk my 16 yo daughter watches, as well as all the action adventure my son does. Personal profiles within an account would be a real feature.

As for separate accounts, why? It is one IP address and would cost $25 of the $100 I saved by cutting the cable. That would likely mean cutting some other service to pay for it.
Hulu is starting to annoy me. GF and I can't watch it from separate rooms simultaneously. I dont see what the big deal is if its from the same IP.
I don't share my account with anyone and it only plays on one screen in our house however there are multiple people sharing that screen with different tastes. Right now the first few titles in the queue are mine. The next few are ones we watch together. Then comes what my wife watches alone and finally what my daughter watches alone. Multiple queues within an account would be helpful.