Sirius HInts from Programming Chart

Scott Greczkowski

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Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Check this out....

Looks like we will NOT be losing any of the Muzak Channels.
The Sirius Channels will air in the 6000 - 6099 channel range.

Lets hope that when these channels come online they will look a little better the the current music channels, Maybe something with some color? Dish Needs to take a look at the Music Channels on Digital Cable, VOOM and DirecTV to see how a music channel should look. :)
I know this is off-topic but notice on their channel line-up there is no mention of their HD channels,I wonder why?
Scott Greczkowski said:
Lets hope that when these channels come online they will look a little better the the current music channels, Maybe something with some color? Dish Needs to take a look at the Music Channels on Digital Cable, VOOM and DirecTV to see how a music channel should look.
I had DirecTV for a few years and the (CD) music channels were a plain black screen with the artist and song information static along the bottom of the screen. I had (2) different Hughes receivers and both worked this way.

What are you talking about in how they should look ??
On my DirecTV box it showed a picture of the album cover, gave band fats and trivia, etc.

This is also the way it is on VOOM and Digital Cable.
I seen some DirecTv RCA receivers have raindrops and other graphics while the songs were playing. It also gave you some type of link to purchase that song, artist name, title of song, name of record, etc. What would be nice would be the words of the songs.
SatelliteGirl: What receiver ??

Scott: Now that you mention it, there was a website link where you could buy the CD. It was a generic address though, not a direct link for that particular artist. Of course, you'd have to re-type it all anyway !! :) No raindrops, graphics, etc on the Hughes though.
hall said:
They're pushing software for 6000 channel support... I guess this is why.
When ?? And how do you know (see) this ??
Through the recent software updates users who have grabbed the new software have done some button pressing to test what their receiver will do.

This time round it was noted that under the old software when one typed in 500 in the guide or to change channel it would immediately jump to channel 500 (the ONPPV guide). Now it waits for the fourth digit. The same with 600: before tuned to RAI, now it waits a few moments for a potential fourth digit.

If you have the new software and the desire to type (for example) 6007 it will attempt to tune 6007 ... which is not public yet, so your receiver will go to the next closest channel (9400 on my 301 ... probably your ABC if you have locals).

And now we have confirmation on the PDF that Sirius is slated for 6001-6099. There were rumors and guesses of other ranges (due to other tests detected by users). This PDF takes the rumor out of the mill.

Not sure what 5000 will be used for. If it were up to me, I'd move all HD to a range away from the 9400's ... eventually E* will need to add more public interest channels, and the HDs are in the way.

BTW: If you are wondering how some users detect new channels, there are some parts of the technology that cannot be scrambled, or it would break receivers. These people don't illegally view channels being tested, but they can learn of their existance via unscrabled data. There is no reason to teach how that is done, since there are public websites that print channel lists, including test channels, that give you as much information as you could learn on your own equipment.

justalurker said:
Not sure what 5000 will be used for. If it were up to me, I'd move all HD to a range away from the 9400's ... eventually E* will need to add more public interest channels, and the HDs are in the way.JL

Hmmm...ABC West HD - Channel 5000, CBS West HD- Channel 5001, NBC West HD - Channel 5002, Fox West HD - Channel 5003, ABC East HD - channel 5100, CBS East HD - Channel 5101, NBC East HD - Channel 5102, Fox East HD - Channel 5102......

What a concept!!!!
justalurker said:
Through the recent software updates users who have grabbed the new software have done some button pressing to test what their receiver will do.


BTW: If you are wondering how some users detect new channels, there are some parts of the technology that cannot be scrambled, or it would break receivers. These people don't illegally view channels being tested, but they can learn of their existance via unscrabled data. There is no reason to teach how that is done, since there are public websites that print channel lists, including test channels, that give you as much information as you could learn on your own equipment.

retailer information... I didn't say anything about it until it became public knowledge.
how, where,I wanna know how to, please show me

how?, where?, i wanna know how,or what to look for, please tell me, i wanna know how to play too. augh come on yall Scott email me tell me how to do this stuff, hunh, please please please. :D :D ;)
justalurker said:
Not sure what 5000 will be used for. If it were up to me, I'd move all HD to a range away from the 9400's ... eventually E* will need to add more public interest channels, and the HDs are in the way.


Oh boy! More public interest! Excellent! But, I hope it doesn't steal bandwidth from the shopping channels!

Oh. And BTW, which HD's would you be referring to?
GaryPen said:
Oh boy! More public interest! Excellent! But, I hope it doesn't steal bandwidth from the shopping channels!

Oh. And BTW, which HD's would you be referring to?
E* is required to set aside channels for PIs based on the capacity of the satellite. They are already down one PI due to losing two late last year and ownly gaining one in return. Now they have crammed a few more channels on 110º and 119º they will be required to add more.

With the current PIs at 9400-9418 with only 9417 open, the next channels would be 9419 and up. HD starts at 9421, which limits E* to four new PIs before colliding with DscHD. Or they could put the extra PIs somewhere else.

I wondered when they moved the HD to 9421-9424 it seemed a little short sighted, or completely ignorant of the future PIs.

Sirius Satellite/DISH music channels

From a bird, with Sirius talks of adding video to their capabilities by this time next year, they are going to be drastically improving the music channels on the E*/DISH service. Likewise they are going to be turning to DISH for their video content. Consumers will be able to buy a portable plug and play unit from the home to the car to the office that has satellite radio and video capabilities.
Dumb Question from potential Dish Subscriber

I cannot understand:
On channel listings, some channels are listed on Sat 119, and some on 110.
Would I be able to receive from other satellite if I subscribe?
See--I told you this was a dumb question!!
I think sirius is getting to much ga ga. The disc jockeys are talking way toooo much! It was not bad, when they added a sentence inbetween every third song, but lately they seem to go on and on for 10 minutes.

Digital Audio Output?

No signal in Lake Havasu

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