Small Express-Vu dish works fairly well on 97 W

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Creative Tinkerer
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 21, 2010
Hi, everybody,
Due to health issues (planned surgery and un-planned heart problems) I was forced to suspend my FTA activity for a few months.
Now, things seem going better, so, we accepted our friends' invitation to their cottage, where I installed - on a tree - small Express - Vu dish.
Transponder 12184 has fairly strong signal, but RT transponder is much weaker.
It makes me wonder, why ? Both programs have polarization H. Any explanation ?
Pictures follow.


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Great to have you back polgyver. Sorry to hear about the health problems. I hope you recover quickly.

I'll take a look at those signals here later.
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Hello polgyver glad you are back. I hope all the health issues continue to get better.
I enjoy your projects!
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Why not! A neat project, differences in locations in N America prob explain why some tps are stronger than others. Some you might attribute to lnbf skew.
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Welcome back!

Not all transponders are run at the same power level. The uplinker establishes a link budget based on the needs of their client (signal up-time, priority, footprint, downlink equipment aperture/efficiency/etc) and target budget. A lower power signal, lower priority, or reduced footprint reduces cost. A more powerful signal reduces the life expectancy of the satellite and the owner charges a higher cost for the bandwidth.

The transponders on 97w KU are typically for multiple services combined into a mux that are uplinked by a third party or the bandwidth is resold by a broker. The actual bandwidth cost may be divided and passed on to the individual services or to create a profit/loss for the uplinker/broker business.
Glad to hear from you Polgyver!
I have used a 24" round BEV dish for FTA on 97w and it worked but somewhat marginal. Some TPs were usable and others would break up too much to watch. Your dish is a smidgen larger.. :)
Good to have you back. This issue will go away as soon as the snow starts to fly. Most likely your friends close up the cottage for the winter. But a larger dish is the solution.
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