spotbeams, signal quality and locals

Eastern OR

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
Good evening all,

Here in Eastern Oregon(Adams OR to be exact in the far southeastern corner of the Yakima WA DMA) we receive a retransmission of KCTS-PBS Seattle as part of our local package PBS. This is in lieu of KYVE47-PBS Yakima which is just a retransmission of KCTS. We receive all of our other locals on spotbeam 6 110 sat but KCTS is received on spotbeam 3 119 sat just as it is in Seattle.

The signal quality on KCTS is horrible. All of our channels whether they be 119 or 110, spotbeams or transponders, irregardless of weather , always have a signal quality exceeding 90 and usually in the 100's. KCTS,KYVE dish channel 9371 is our problem child. Signal quality never exceeds 60. What makes matters worse is that as daytime progresses into evening and evening into night signal quality always decreases from a daytime level of 60 until it reaches a 9:30PM level of 40 or less at which time the receivers can no longer lock on the station. I don't understand this as sat signals should not care about night and day. None of our other channels exhibit this problem.

In looking at spotbeam maps linked in this forum it looks like spotbeam 3 of 119sat does not even cover our area. I Have someone from Dish coming on Wed. to examine the situation.

Does this sound like a problem with our equipment, a problem with Dish transmission equipment, a problem with Dish transponder/spotbeam choice, or a problem with the uplink from KCTS/KYVE? Or maybe some combination or something I haven't thought of?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated as I am stumped.


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