super dish problems


New Member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2004
I have recently upgrade from a dish 500 to a superdish so I could receive the local channels. I have set up the dish with a DB34 switch. When aiming he dish I am only able to locate sat 119 When doing a switch test my system is only seeing one device the dual LNBF, the other 2 devices just have a x in them. I have checked the wiring over and over again. Is this a normal reading on switch check? Also any hints on locating sat 110 and 121. Thanks
Any update, were you able to get this resolved.
I am in the same boat. I recently got a Superdish 121, am just able to get 110 and check switch shows just one connection. Hope nothing is wrong with the Dish.

Please update if you have any info.
Kind of new to this but is it possible you guys are using "legacy" receivers?

If so, you will need DishPro adapter in order for the SuperDish to work with them.

Just though that may help.

What is JTAG on the 6000 receiver?

Dish 500 Dish with Single LNB (Can I get Local Channels?)

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