SuperDISH on

Yeah thats been up for a few days.

I am surprised to see that they are mentioning the HDTV in a BOX.

I have been hearing some rumblings that they were thinking of maybe not getting into the TV business.

To me that would be a wise choice.

The TV's are already over priced junk boxes. The price point that Dish had when they introduced this product was not bad, but now many months later that is an expensive setup for a bad TV.
I wish they would concentrate on making receivers that will plug in to anything and drop the whole TV thing. HD TV's will be cheap soon enough without E* in the market.
Part of the problem I see with the TV sets (Besides them being low quality sets) is that a retailer is going to go install one of these in a customers home and then a few weeks down the line the customer may have a problem or question and expect the satellite dealer to fix it when in reality the satellite dealer know nothing about the TV besides plugging it in and hooking the receiver up to it.

Who is going to fix your Dish Network TV if it breaks? Do you need to ship it out if it breaks?
I bet if the Dish Network TV breaks within the first thirty days the Retailer would have to replace it and after that it would be RCA's warranty that would take over. There may not be enough profit in selling the TV's to make it worth the retailers time.
DirecTV is doing the smart thing, instead of selling you a package you got to the store and select a TV from a list of TV, then you get a HD Receiver and Dish from the same store once you have this you get a nice rebate from DirecTV.

I like this because with the Dish Network TV's you don't know what your getting until you get it, most people who will order one of these sets will probably not even see a working one when they order it.

With DirecTV's plan you can look at the TVS and pick the one you like best.
At least with Direct you are not limited with what kind of receiver that can can be used on the TV in the future. The E* TV can only be used with an E* box on the DVI interface

921 Installation Setup

721: Never seen this screen before...

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