No. They will add them for 5.99 extra. Depends on what you have in programming whether you will get them for that price or $3.00 extra.
If you have AEP w locals for $79.99 , the supers will be $5.99 . If you have the locals added with your programming for $5.99 , like top 150 for $42.99 and your locals added for $5.99 then the supers would be added for $3.00 more ; Local package and supers for $8.99 .
It all depends on what you have. The more you sub to in locals and distants the more you save. For example; AEP w locals for $79.99 then New York and La distants and Superstations for $11.99 .
Dish cost you less for more programming then Directv. Directv has the better low cost all enclusive package with total choice w locals or total choice plus w locals for like $38.99 and $39.99.
Dish offers more for your money if you want all the premiums and top 150 and your locals then you can get them all for $79.99 a month.America's Everything Pack) That same package with Directv will cost you $87.99 a month.( Premier pack) If you don't want the sports premium then it is only $80.00 a month.
This is why Dish is pushing everyone to go to AEP w locals. The customer gets the most for his money and the biggest discount , and Dish gets a higher subscription paying customer. Oh yeah you also don't have a dvr fee with AEP on the newer dvr receivers.(510,522,921series)
Sorry to sound like an infomercial for Dish , but I think this one package is the most economical price for your money and I think everyone should sub to it if they can. Oh and I have had both Directv and Dish this last year so I have compared both services and prices.