The Blu-Ray message is getting out there


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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Eastern Connecticut
I attended the wedding today of a family friend. This is a group of people that I grew up with 30 years or so ago, and most of them I rarely see these days.

They all know I am a computer and electronics "guy", and usually the only time I hear from them is when their PC won't work or that need to buy a new stereo.

Anyway, many of them came to me with questions about High Definition DVDs. I must admit that I was actually stunned. The general thought is that the average Joe is not concerned about these formats.

Well, almost every one of them asked me about Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray message is really getting out there. Many of these people, with a range of ages from 20 (their kids) to 50+, asked me things like "Should I just get a PS3 or should I buy a Blu-Ray stand alone player?" Some asked about the LG Dual Format player, but most mentioned Blu-Ray first.

From this random sampling of people who are totally un-tech, I would think that if HD-DVD is going to survive, they better get off their butts. The TV ads promoting BLu-Ray and the visability in some big box stores is actually working.

Again, I am totally stunned that this mix of people were so aware of High Def DVD and they were all asking about Blu-Ray. As much as I dislike Sony, I have to say that the Blu-Ray folks are doing it right, getting the message out there, and appear to be making the big move.

At least up to this point! :D

PS - I own both formats, so don't peg me as a "fanboy" of either over the other.
They are seeing the movies they want to watch being announced for BD. Content will always drive sales. And when they go into a bigbox retailer they see the titles they want to watch -- the latest blockbusters also on BD. This is how BD is currently leading the race and how I see them winning it -- the same way VHS did.
Thanks for sharing. I've talked people into buying HDTVs and then watched them refuse to hook up an HD source. I even offered one guy a free indoor antenna with installation and setup- no thanks. I don't think they're going to be asking about HD-DVD or Blu-ray anytime soon. :(

But I do know they all know the word "Sony." That's the first brand they consider in a TV.
They are seeing the movies they want to watch being announced for BD. Content will always drive sales. And when they go into a bigbox retailer they see the titles they want to watch -- the latest blockbusters also on BD. This is how BD is currently leading the race and how I see them winning it -- the same way VHS did.

I agree with you here, JoeSp. This is what I hate about format wars. Decisions are not made on which format is BETTER (and I'm not judging which is), they are made on what software is available.

If everything was released in both formats - - now THAT would be a true, fair, format war. Anything else is bogus.

Thanks for sharing. I've talked people into buying HDTVs and then watched them refuse to hook up an HD source. I even offered one guy a free indoor antenna with installation and setup- no thanks. I don't think they're going to be asking about HD-DVD or Blu-ray anytime soon. :(

But I do know they all know the word "Sony." That's the first brand they consider in a TV.

This is what I thought myself. I have many "friends" who get a widescreen TV, hook it up to SD cable, watch the 4:3 material "stretched", and think they are watching HDTV!!! We all have probably seen that.

I remember a real good friend bought an LCD 32" Widescreen TV, went to the cable company and got an HD-DVR. When he hooked it up, he connected his new HDMI cable from the box to his TV, and then, not knowing he did not need it, connected a coax from the cable box to the TV. When he turned on the TV, it came up in ANTenna mode, and he was presented with stretched SD TV. The next day, I asked him what he thought of the HD channels. He seemed not to be blown away. When I stopped by his house to check it out, I had to laugh. That night, he watched HDTV all night. He has recently asked me, out of the blue no less (and no pun intended), what a Blu-Ray player would cost.

What gets them going is when they actually see an HD signal from their cable, they generally want more. And that's when they think Blu-Ray (at this point).
"What is fair?" he said, and turned away and washed his hands.
Blu-Ray is going to win. I've seen the BD technology commercial at least 10 times. How many times have I seen an HD-DVD commercial? 0.

You can't sell your product if no one knows it exists. People are already starting to catch on with just the DVD release commercials "Also available on Blu-ray disc." It can only be bad for the consumer. If there isn't any perceived competition, not much will move BD prices down, at least not at any reasonable rate.
another thing that confuses people is that they think that Blu-Ray IS HD-DVD, so when they go look for a player, they ask for Blu-Ray.

With all the ads stating "Available on DVD and Blu-Ray", the average Joe thinks that DVD is "regualar" DVD, and Blu-Ray is "High Definition DVD', not even knowing that there is a format called HD-DVD...............

(Geez, I'm starting to sound like a BD "fanboy"!) YIKES!
another thing that confuses people is that they think that Blu-Ray IS HD-DVD, so when they go look for a player, they ask for Blu-Ray.

With all the ads stating "Available on DVD and Blu-Ray", the average Joe thinks that DVD is "regualar" DVD, and Blu-Ray is "High Definition DVD', not even knowing that there is a format called HD-DVD...............

(Geez, I'm starting to sound like a BD "fanboy"!) YIKES!

As much as Id like to see HD DVD win I think you are right.

Gotta hand it to Bluray for marketing. If the basic consumer associates Bluray with the HD format then HD DVD is in big trouble.
I watched Casino Royale last night off my son's PS3 and I was NOT blown away. We're going to watch Kung Fu Hustle this week and maybe that will be better. I'm glad we have both formats in the house, but I still think PQ and certainly audio is much better on HD-DVD.

Doens't mean it will win. But still better.
That 10/31 announcement has to be a real kick in the teeth. Most people won't know, but those that do will be inclined to hold off buying- or go with HD-DVD.
I watched Casino Royale last night off my son's PS3 and I was NOT blown away. We're going to watch Kung Fu Hustle this week and maybe that will be better. I'm glad we have both formats in the house, but I still think PQ and certainly audio is much better on HD-DVD.

Doens't mean it will win. But still better.

I hope you recalibrated your HDTV for the PS3. It seems that you must increase black and white settings for the PS3 when playing a BD movie to see an improvement. Also, are you watching on a 1080p set or a 1080i? Also, what do you have the PS3 audio and video settings at?

If you do not have a receiver with HDMI 1.2 then you need to set your audio settings at bitstream so that you will get 5.1 channels and not 2. Also ,you need to set your video set at AUTOMATIC so that the PS3 will provide you a picuture using film and not video. These settings should really improve you BD viewing from the PS3. Even my wife noticed the differances after I did this watching the same movie - RV.
That 10/31 announcement has to be a real kick in the teeth. Most people won't know, but those that do will be inclined to hold off buying- or go with HD-DVD.

I wonder if the PS3 will be getting that very soon since the Pirate movies are going to have BD-Java on them???
I hope you recalibrated your HDTV for the PS3. It seems that you must increase black and white settings for the PS3 when playing a BD movie to see an improvement. Also, are you watching on a 1080p set or a 1080i? Also, what do you have the PS3 audio and video settings at?

If you do not have a receiver with HDMI 1.2 then you need to set your audio settings at bitstream so that you will get 5.1 channels and not 2. Also ,you need to set your video set at AUTOMATIC so that the PS3 will provide you a picuture using film and not video. These settings should really improve you BD viewing from the PS3. Even my wife noticed the differances after I did this watching the same movie - RV.

Great ideas! I did a lot of that although I did not go as far as messing with the b/w settings as i'm still watching more HD than BR right now. I use the HDMI for video and optical for audio as I do my HD.

I didn't hate it....and i'm going to watch more since it's on my son's PS3. I didn't think there was that much of the 3D...pore close clearity that my HD has.
I wonder if the PS3 will be getting that very soon since the Pirate movies are going to have BD-Java on them???

It would be a very good thing for the Blu-ray camp if the PS3 could support BD-java, including PIP. But that earlier referenced article had serious reservations in it that such could be done without hardware changes. Is a software only solution possible, and can the PS3 support such? We will find out.
navychop, the PS3 supports HDMI1.3 completely and this includes two video bandwiths at the same time. If that is the case then why could it not do picture in picture? I think when the BD Pirate movies ship we will find out quickly how the PS3 does. Although I have to say this, my wife will kill me if I engauge picture-in-picture. She hates it if I do that with my Dish622 and sometimes will rip the remote out of my hands and turn it off. I guess she only wants to watch one thing at a time.

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