IT's not Nps It's all of them you see all of them are a bunch of liars.The main reason for them to come with this W5 thing is for us to dump our receivers.
I thought the whole W5 thing was supposed to be a lifeline for BUD users, who don't want pizza contracts etc.
By using an existing platform (Comcast) and allowing the original HITS2Home DSR410 units, there would be no fight with Motorola over EMM and maps. I gather that any DSR410 can now be made compatible, isn't that a good thing?
I don't always explain myself very well, but what I'm trying to say is this:
If Motorola don't drop 4DTV at the end of the year, us 4DTVers wouldn't switch to Comcast W5 - because of choice and maps etc.
I believe that the W5 option is helping keep consumer BUD alive, so many consumers have settled for PQ on pizza and are enjoying more features - you can't ignore that - PVR, Improved Guides, HD...and don't forget wife/girlfriend acceptance factor!
I do think Moto have let us down, they could have easily built a consumer DCII box with positioner, DVR, HD - heck everyone else is (sans DCII/positioner).
I also agree that (hopefully) some bright spark will allow us to talk to our 4DTVs with software to load our own maps, after the New Year.
Sorry to go off topic here.