The Positive Spin of the HD Channel delayed

Cyclone said:
We knew of MPEG04, and how the 942 did not support it. Every recommendation for the 942 was conditioned with the MPEG-4 warning.

Actually Dish reps actively promote the 942 as being able to play MPeg4 as of just last week. I haven't called this week to see if they have changed.
mdonnelly said:
Spike, I regard my 811 receiver as a tool. That tool has been satisfactory for the last 2 years, and I wouldn't think about replacing it for another tool unless it broke or the environment changed. Well, the environment has changed, because E* has changed it for us. It's up to E* now to put the proper tool into our hands.
I would replace my 811 in a minute if they gave me the right deal. I know people get attached to their receivers....but in my case, I feel that by upgrading I'm going to do much better technology wise than the 811. It's all in the name of HD. I paid 200 bucks for my 811 and feel that Dish will give a good deal to exsisting customers. We are just going to have to wait and see what happens. I just wish that nothing would be said about the upgrade until they have all the details to give to us. Right now I feel that it is an incomplete statment...or plan...without saying what is planned for exsisting customers.
My beef is that they put the cart before the horse. Announcing channels that no one can receive just sets up a level of demand that they can't supply properly. If they sell it directly we get delays of several weeks or even months to get equipment. If they go the retailer only route (like they did with the 921 and I THINK the 942, when it was released), you wind up with an XBox360 where people snap up multiple units and then sell them for 50% more on EBay.
voripteth said:
Actually Dish reps actively promote the 942 as being able to play MPeg4 as of just last week. I haven't called this week to see if they have changed.

I got this too when I was about to purchase my 942 a month ago. It's why I still think there may be an easy hardware upgrade for the 942. At least I'm hoping...
Seems to me as though Dish couldn't have done anything to satisfy most of us. If they had added the new channels in MPEG-2, none of us would act to get an MPEG-4 receiver. If they provided the MPEG-4 receivers without any programming, few of us would buy them ... afterall, considering the 921, no one would believe that they actually worked. By releasing the new stuff simultaneously, and keeping existing channels in MPEG-2 for now, they would seem to have picked a decent strategy. Timing isn't bad either. Won't affect viewing of the playoffs or the superbowl. After that, who cares until fall. So we all, or at least most of us, have plenty of time to decide what to do and when to do it.
oldbob said:
Seems to me as though Dish couldn't have done anything to satisfy most of us. If they had added the new channels in MPEG-2, none of us would act to get an MPEG-4 receiver. If they provided the MPEG-4 receivers without any programming, few of us would buy them ... afterall, considering the 921, no one would believe that they actually worked. By releasing the new stuff simultaneously, and keeping existing channels in MPEG-2 for now, they would seem to have picked a decent strategy. Timing isn't bad either. Won't affect viewing of the playoffs or the superbowl. After that, who cares until fall. So we all, or at least most of us, have plenty of time to decide what to do and when to do it.

It's so friggen simple, my 10 year old can see it. Dish could have done their press release exactly the way they did except for 2 simple changes and 90% of the discontent that's permiating these discussion groups would never have happened.

1. Stated clearly up front that all existing customers with HD equipment would be the first to recieve an equivilent MPEG-4 replacement and at minimal cost.

2. Uplinked the 3 remaining HD DNS this weekend in MEPG2 to all O&O AND any customer that can not currently recieve them OTA (per the existing L-R signal prediction model) along with a public statement that as soon as HD LiLs become available in your DMA, you loose the HD DNS. I believe this would meet FCC scrutney and miniumize afilliate complaints. The national nets want us to have their HD programming anyway.

This would have made a 1000% difference in people's acceptance and Dish wouldn't have had to run around trying to put the fire out with statements like the affirmation to Scott about existing customer upgrades, etc.
waltinvt said:
2. Uplinked the 3 remaining HD DNS this weekend in MEPG2 to all O&O AND any customer that can not currently recieve them OTA (per the existing L-R signal prediction model) along with a public statement that as soon as HD LiLs become available in your DMA, you loose the HD DNS. I believe this would meet FCC scrutney and miniumize afilliate complaints. The national nets want us to have their HD programming anyway.

Walt, that is a good point, and would have been a nice "spoonful of sugar". Although, I doubt most of the people around here would ever greet any annoucement with anything but irritation. Everyone either wants everything for nothing, or assumes they will always get screwed. The reality is always squarely in the middle.

Hopefully, they would have spelled "lose" right if they put this in the press release. :)
waltinvt said:
It's so friggen simple, my 10 year old can see it. Dish could have done their press release exactly the way they did except for 2 simple changes and 90% of the discontent that's permiating these discussion groups would never have happened.

1. Stated clearly up front that all existing customers with HD equipment would be the first to recieve an equivilent MPEG-4 replacement and at minimal cost.

2. Uplinked the 3 remaining HD DNS this weekend in MEPG2 to all O&O AND any customer that can not currently recieve them OTA (per the existing L-R signal prediction model) along with a public statement that as soon as HD LiLs become available in your DMA, you loose the HD DNS. I believe this would meet FCC scrutney and miniumize afilliate complaints. The national nets want us to have their HD programming anyway.

These steps would have cut the complaining of current customers to a minimum.

Another thing that could have (should have?) been done would have been to include a brief snippet in the 942´s paperwork concerning this changeover.

As I have no life or job, (Which is why TV means so much to me :D ) I've been spending some quality time on the telephone recently with Dish front-line CSR's.

Today's call (I try to call a couple of time a day so that people with real problems can't get through, I've told them about my 942's bad HDMI to DVI cable and my 921's B/W SD output on 12/29/05. The "magic e-mail" was supposedly sent but I haven't been called, so I like to keep in touch) was concerning the absence of La Liga Spanish Premier League Soccer matches from Rush HD. I searched here, but found nothing.

The first CSR told me they games were probably blacked out. I assured her that I lived no where near either Barcelona or Madrid as they were several timezones to my right so this probably wasn't the case. She then said it was a problem for Advanced Tech, and I was being transferred. I guess when the "wait time" at 1-800-333-3474 goes up over 15 minutes "transferred" becomes "hung up on," as that is what I was.

I called back and tried to get the answer to my simple question (to which I think the answer is--They are being shown at the Las Vegas Convention Center) and spoke to "Tech Support."

While I explained to this Spanish Speaking person that La Liga was a SPANISH football league with some the best players in the game, and one of the very few things that appear on VOOM I actually watch, I asked if him had activated any receivers today. "Yes," was the reply. I then asked if any were HD receivers, "Yes," said he. I then wondered if he had mentioned anything about the MPEG-4 deal. "No, we haven't been told to say anything," was his curt reply.

I am tired of whipping this dead horse as I have other fish to fry. (The famous "Surf and Turf" metaphor). But I mean really, don't you--even the Dish-aid drinkers--think a small mention of the fact that the new customers might need a completely new receiver--for which they will be charged MORE MONEY-- in three weeks would be in order?

How will they do it???

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