The Random Acts Of Kindness Thread

One of the groups I'm involved in was able to get 17 turkeys and all the fixins to feed unhoused people in need this Christmas. They will get fed before I sit down with my family for our meal. But I confess that I may have a nip or two of eggnog somewhere along the way. ;)
Went to a restaurant in Santa Fe, New Mexico today. It was all about helping those in need. Naturally I made an additional payment on top of the food I purchased. The food was amazing by the way.
My wife and ate at our favorite local restaurant last night. On our way in, a couple in front of us held the door so I could enter with my walker. The fellow acknowledged my "Vietnam Veteran" cap and thanked my for my service as I thanked them for their courtesy. We had never seen this couple before, but after our dinner, our waitress informed us there would be no bill because the other couple had paid it, but asked that we not be told until after they left! What a wonderful surprise, and one that we will certainly pass on when appropriate!
We have separate curbside recycling in my neighborhood. But due to the automated pickup mechanism you aren't supposed to put glass in the bin. So, I put my glass waste in a box and bring it to a recycling center. ♻️ One day I noticed that there was an old black man with white hair picking through the mixed recycling for aluminum. I'm not sure if he is homeless or just poor. After seeing this I started crushing my aluminum cans and placing them in a separate box. Then when I make my glass run I give my cans to the gentleman whose name I found out was Curtis. One day Curtis was looking in the box I gave him and he said, "you like the good beer I see." I said that I did and asked him if he enjoyed a cold beer on occasion. He said he did. My recycling run changed again. Now I bring Curtis, my scrap aluminum, two cans of beer and a big bottle of water. You should see him smile when he sees my truck pull up.
When I was a kid "The Ice Cream Man" rolling down the street was a big thing. I guess I'm still just a big kid. An ice cream truck came down our street today and I ran outside to get one for my wife and I. You don't see ice cream trucks in our neighborhood very often so it was a treat. A group of kids gathered while I was ordering. "The Ice Cream Man" asked the kids what they wanted. One kid with a sad face said that none of them had any money. I told the kids that I would pay. That sad face and all the others instantly lit up into big smiles. It cost me $25 but the look on those kids faces was priceless.
Not many kids, I gather. Our ice cream man charges $5-$7 for most items.

Ready for the next adventure!

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