The Wait Begins


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Well, I just pre ordered a 921 and a DP Twin. :cool:

I just hope that Echostar get's all the bugs out while I wait for this baby. I can't wait to get it. I'm also going to have to jury rig the connection from by bedroom into the main room until the new DP44 comes out so I can have just one line going to the 921.

Once the 921 is in, I'll probably be selling off my 6000 to help offset the cost and I get to be one of the crazy ones running both the 811 and 921. :D
Yeah, I will definately being using OTA. All the locals except WB broadcast digitally. As I said, hopefully most of the bugs will be squashed by the time I get my unit.
My quest for the 921 has taken some crazy turns. I had been number 8 on the preorder list at DishDepot. I took my name off the list when a local retailer said he was 98% sure he could get me one in a few days. That was at the end of December. He wasn't able to get it. Two weeks ago, I have put a $100 deposit at another local retailer preorder list and recently put my name on the Dishstore list. On Jan 15th the retailer that first said he could get it called and said he could get one sent to him on the 19th and I could get a tracking number by that afternoon. I am reluctant to cansel any of them. So I am waiting to see who can get me a tracking number first. Promises of getting one have not panned out.
I got a call from the local retailer that had first promised me the 921. He said he would have it tomorrow morning, 1/20/04. However, he forgot to get a tracking number. Apparently the recall of the 921's was ficticious. For me getting the 921 has been a chore. I will believe it when I have it home.
I hope you are able to get your 921 tomorrow like was promised.

I've decided to just get on a list and wait it out. I have to hassle to use the thing until the DPP44 switch comes out anyway, so...
I picked up my 921 from the local retailer yesterday, 1/20/04. I had gotten my 811 from him on 12/0303. He had originally thought he could get me the 921 just before CES. When I moved the 811 to the 30 inch wide screen HDTV in the bedroom, it would not turn on. Dish is going to send me another one, possibly by Friday.

921 shipment recalled/pulled by Dish Corporate

My 921 died today!!

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