The Walking Dead on AMC

I think Marilyn was hitting the downers before he came on the Talking Dead set last night... If not drugs, he was certainly in a state that wasn't normal, even for him.

That would be awesome to see him get eaten by zombies though, just like "Return of the Living Dead 2", where they had a zombie looking like, and dressed in Michael Jackson's red jacket get fried electrically and jump around.

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I'm pretty sure that it was the very first episode of the show when Rick and Glen chopped up a zombie and rubbed its blood and guts all over themselves so the zombies wouldn't know they were alive. There have been all kinds of zombies getting their heads stomped in and people eaten alive with close ups showing every detail.

It's possible that there is a little more gore this year as the budget for the show grows. It has been pretty gory from day 1 though. Anyone who is going to really be turned off by the gore probably wouldn't still be watching at this point.

It also helps to have 2 zombies with their jaws & arms removed & on chains to repel other zombies.
I think that this season has been very slow and seems to be going no where. I am glad to see that they are actually dealing with something real that can kill you like the flu virus. In a world without any medical help and running out of antibiotics , it may be the flu that kills them before the zombies. I really think that the day to day mundane farming and water gathering, etc is a little boring. I would really like to see someone from the government show up and say that they have a place to go to . From there they could fill us in on what has caused the zombie epidemic that has effected everyone live or dead. Something on a grander scale than the every day prison existence. Other wise I don't see the ratings continue to stay elevated as they are so far.
They are all too stupid to live long in the real "zombie apocalypse" world. If this was a real scenario, they'd all have been dead within the first year.

NO guards watching the fence 24/7, or in the towers watching for LIVE raiders. Nobody bracing the fence from zombies simply eventually overunning it. Nobody growing a garden big enough to support even a couple people. Or developing a clean potable water source. EVERYBODY (pretty much) doing whatever they please, without regard for the rest of the group.

They are lucky they don't have to contend with any "high-speed" zombies, wouldn't need many to wipe these guys out to the last man.
They are all too stupid to live long in the real "zombie apocalypse" world. If this was a real scenario, they'd all have been dead within the first year.

NO guards watching the fence 24/7, or in the towers watching for LIVE raiders. Nobody bracing the fence from zombies simply eventually overunning it. Nobody growing a garden big enough to support even a couple people. Or developing a clean potable water source. EVERYBODY (pretty much) doing whatever they please, without regard for the rest of the group.

They are lucky they don't have to contend with any "high-speed" zombies, wouldn't need many to wipe these guys out to the last man.

Yes the high speed zombies of 28 days later and World War Z would make a meal of them very quickly. I doubt anyone would want to really live in the world after a zombie apoclaypse.
NO guards watching the fence 24/7, or in the towers watching for LIVE raiders. Nobody bracing the fence from zombies simply eventually overunning it. Nobody growing a garden big enough to support even a couple people. Or developing a clean potable water source. EVERYBODY (pretty much) doing whatever they please, without regard for the rest of the group.
They don't seem to need to worry about zombies breaking in. They've clearly shown from the beginning that zombies can't even open doors, let alone break through doors or windows. People attacking the prison -- yeah, that's certainly a possibility and they are vulnerable to that.

I mentioned the garden and lack of activity in it previously. Rick is the last person I'd expect to see, unless he's doing it for some semblance of sanity. I fully expected to see multiple people out there tending to the garden. Instead, as you mention, we know almost NOTHING about what the others are doing. They took in dozens, it would seem, but they're practically invisible.
If we were in a zombie apacolypse...I'd haul ass to the ocean and get onboard a yatch. Drop anchor 100 feet from water.
That or get onboard a nuclear powered air craft carrier... ie- electricity, food and hot showers.

Staying inside a prison... just dumb man!
That's why I like shows like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Breaking Bad. They are able to carry out a plot through a whole season or multiple seasons. So many shows on TV feel the need to start and wrap up a new story in every single episode because they think we don't have enough of an attention span to follow a longer story arc. I appreciate the shows that give their viewers enough credit not to dumb everything down to a story of the week format.

I have no issues with the pacing of this season either. I've grown attached to some of these characters and enjoy seeing how they eek out an existence, including their mundane activities, day-to-day struggles, and group politics, as well as seeing character development on both old and new characters.

Is any new character as compelling as the Governor? Heck no! But this show would get stale fast if every season centered around building up to one big boss battle in the season finale.

If I have any problem with this season so far it has been a couple highly unrealistic scenarios (even for a show about a zombie apocalypse), such as the zombies falling suddenly through the big box store ceiling and Tyrese's fighting off a hoard of zombies without a scratch. It wasn't like he even had the riot gear on that Glen and T-Dog sometimes wore. And then all the people that died in the break out in cell D. Why wouldn't they just lock themselves in their cells the second they saw the first zombie turn if they didn't have weapons or feel they could fight them off? These people have survived a zombie apocalypse for months. They should know how to protect themselves by now and be ready for anything. I always liked how this show remained mostly believable while pushing the viewer's suspension of belief. This season has broken that suspension of belief for me more than once.
And even with all the short comings of this season , they announced they renewed it for season 5.

Of course they did. The ratings for the premier were their best ever. I really don't see all the shortcomings people keep talking about though. How is what they are doing now any different than the past seasons? The show has always been like this. Many of the episodes have always been about their daily life and group struggles. They haven't all been crazy governor show downs. We are only a few episodes into this season and that didn't happen until the end of last season. A good portion of the season before that was spent hanging out on the farm. I really haven't seen any big change with this season. I really liked the past seasons and this feels like a natural continuation of that to me.
Of course they did. The ratings for the premier were their best ever.
Heh, yeah, as if the network will renew, or not renew, a show based on "short comings", people's nit-picking opinions, and so on -- ALL THAT MATTERS IS RATINGS and TWD is breaking records !
I expect the season to slowly simmer and reach a boil for the last few episodes when all the mundane stuff finally proves to be important.
George Romero from the original zombie movies said in an interview the other day that he didn't like AMC 's Walking Dead. He said it was a soap opera with an occasional zombie thrown in and it wasn't his cup of tea. Aren't all shows like a soap opera in some way? All with back stories of the characters with continuing story arcs etc. The only difference is the soap music and the occasional zombie or two thrown in. I have to agree that this season has felt like a soap opera . The good thing is I still like soap operas like General Hospital.

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