Titanium Satellite PLL LNBF OSMOCOM Hack

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May 23, 2013
Meadow Vista, Northern California
Want increased frequency stability and lower noise threshold from the Ti Phase Locked Loop LNBF? Check out the external reference signal hack just tweeted and posted on the OSMOCOM site. Very accurate information other than the incorrect bit about a screw hole open to the feedhorn in the C1W-PLL model... :)


A radio astronomy group has been blogging the past year about hacking an external reference to our PLL LNBFs. Their project has had me thinking about a test project using several mini 75-90cm reflectors in tandem with external phase lock reference for C-band reception (or multiple 18" for KU FSS). :)
Very interesting. Brian, is there a way you (Titanium) can produce the next generation of the PLLs using the modification mentioned here?
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I think this is a great hack for the few hobbyist wanting to achieve extraordinary stability and Signal to Noise Ratio, but the market for an external reference PLL is extremely small. Maybe a new model for a new market. Doubt that many satellite FTA system owners would have a need or interest, let alone make a purchase requiring even more reference components...

Do you know any hardcore satellite FTA hobbyists using external reference LNBs?
Looks like you sent them so much traffic it knocked their site offline. :) I can't reach it at present.

Edit: Got in just now.

Looks simple enough for a guy with even moderate skills to do but like Titanium mentioned, how many guys need or will do this for FTA?

My C1 kicks butt all on its own exactly how Brian sent it so I think I'll leave it alone.
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Working here, try now.
Interesting link Brian, I'm currently parked on either 15W or 65E using a C1W and Jaero to decode C Band Aero 10k5 bursts and have been getting very good results with the stock LNB but anything that can improve the noise threshold is an interesting development. I'll feed the link back to Jonti who authored Jaero as he may be interested in construction an external reference for his. The Aero signals are recieved by Inmarsat on 9M dishes so on relatively small 2M dishes this could be of real benefit.
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AceB :clapping

I had been directed to this link on the 10.5k C-band burst packets, but hadn't found any additional information. http://jontio.zapto.org/hda1/c-band.html


Would be very interested in your set-up and what you are monitoring. Maybe a thread might generate some interest with SDR hobbyists in North America for monitoring other C-band data feeds.
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Jonti is probably the only source of hard information at the moment with some observations from the handful of us decoding these signals. I was only made aware of it by a John Locker who helps develop Planeplotter software.

This system has been put in place since MH370 highlighted the poor coverage of flights on trans oceanic flights, much of the early work was focussed on L-Band as it's relatively simple to attach a GPS or patch antenna to a suitable receiver but now Jonti has updated the software to decode the 10500 bd burst signals being relayed by Inmarsat from planes. The interest here of course is positioning data for air enthusiasts, I guess you'd liken it to a global ADS-B set up.

As luck had it the list of requirements that John posted perfectly matched everything attached to the PC under my bench so it was a five minute job to get it running. The 1.8m dish connects to a ProfTuners 7301, that loops out into an Airspy SDR running SDR Sharp tuned to the IF frequency and virtual audio cable allows the recovered audio to be used in Jaero. DVB Dream runs in the background to power the card and set the polarity.

Talking of polarity that is circular so you'll need to insert the depolariser plate into the LNB, I'm using a homebrew version that improves circular reception with good results from the two satellites I've been monitoring at 15W and 64.5E. I'm going to do some further searching today to see if 54W is active on C-Band. Jonti has a PDF showing possible activity on 98W and 178E but worth checking these on N2YO if you don't hear anything because 64.5E is quite heavily inclined so there are times when it's at +/-3° from arc that I don't see it.

Although I'm using an Airspy this does work on nothing more than a ten quid sdr dongle so no need for a lot of expensive outlay if you're set up for C Band and have a receiver with loop out. I think some of the dongles work better than others so worth checking which chipset it has before buying one.

The next stage of development is to add support to Planeplotter, Jonti has already added UDP streaming output to Jaero so hopefully Bev will soon have a test version of PP that accepts the streamed data. If you're into transoceanic flight monitoring, C Band and HFDL should cover all bases!

Some links for you, please delete if they're not allowed.
This is to Jonti's site where you can download Jaero.

A video I recorded of Jaero in action using SDR Sharp

Finally a link to a zipped 35MB IQ file that will run in SDR Sharp and let you test decoding into Jaero.

Sussex Coast. JO00

Icom IC-R8500, Airspy & RTL 820 SDR.
HS Publications D100 TV-DX receiver.
Sony XDR F1HD and XDR-GTK interface.
Sony 920, RDS Spy, CCW Multicoupler.
W4KMA 24-100MHz custom Log Periodic.
Wellbrook ALA1530AL1 active HF loop.
Triax MTH-13 BIII, Korner 9.2FM BII.
1.8M Precision dish, C-Band 66E-58W.
1.2M Gibertini dish, KuBand 70E-63W.

Just a brief update on this project, there are now versions of Jaero and Planeplotter that display planes on maps. Jaero does the hard work and can output data to either Virtual Radio Server or Planeplotter. I've been experimenting with SDR Sharp and can now decode both channels on each satellite to increase the available data even further. This weekend I've added a second actuator to my dish so I can track the inclined orbits of the Inmarsat I3s over the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific.

A short video showing decoding of two channels being merged into one feed on VRS.
full rotation.gif

Hope no one minds me updating the thread here , but above is the latest development from PP for those receiving and viewing ADS from Inmarsat at C band.
Thanks to some hard work by a number of dedicated sharers we now have a wide network of satellite ground stations .....but we still need more ! :O)

Thanks to all those who have so far helped to build this unique amateur network.

Best wishes

:Welcome to the site gsmforensics!!!!!
Yes, Thanks for posting this.
Maybe start a new thread with all the how to stuff, on how to set one of these up. :)
Thanks for the welcome Michael

I'll create a starter thread in this section if that's OK with you. Be great to get a few more satellite ground stations up and running ...and its a great project to have a go at :O)

Best wishes

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