TIVO not working with 522


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Original poster
May 10, 2004
I just got my 522 installed today but my TIVO will not change the channels with the infrared connector. I tried every setting in Echostar and even called TIVO twice to no avail. They suggested I try the forums to do their job - go figure :)

My TIVO is an original TIVO with a lifetime sub. I have the TIVO modded so I can easily offload the movies to DVD or VCD so I don't want to just get rid of it in favor of the 522. I want the 522 mostly for another room which doesn't have a PVR already. The PVR on the 522 doesn't compare to the TIVO so I wouldn't get rid of it.

Since I have seen posts here from others indicating that their TIVO is working with the 522, how are you changing channels on the 522? I assume thru the IR connection out of the TIVO pointing to the front center of the 522. As I mentioned above, I believe I have tried every setting on the TIVO satellite setup for EchoStar but none changed the channel on my 522.

This is a fresh installation of the 522 as of 5:30pm today.

Can someone please tell me which selection they chose on the TIVO setup for their 522? I've tried them all and nothing changes the channel on the 522. I've tried everything under hughes and nothing works. I don't know if it matters but I am using the IR blaster pointing directly to the middle of the 522 in the front.

Any help would be appreciated.

Remember that the 522 has two separate remotes and TV outputs. Only TV1 is IR controlled. TV2 is UHF controlled, so the IR Blaster won't work for it.

So, which TV are you watching while the TiVo is doing it's thing?

As for where you're pointing the IR, look at the front of the 522 for the "eyes".
I am trying to control TV1 (IR) from the TIVO. Basically I want the PVR for TV2 so I'll let the 522 do its thing for that tuner. As for TV1, I have the TIVO's IR blaster pointing at the front middle of the 522 where I see the IR receivers when using a flash light pointing at it so I can easily see where they are. I've tried every setting but nothing caused the 522 to change channels. I called TIVO twice and they told me to try the Hughes receiver controls but none worked. I called back and told them none worked, they then said there was no information in their database for the 522 but that the 1000x hughes settings seemed to work for most people with Dish. I called back a 3rd time and they directed me to Phillips (my TIVO brand). Phillips won't even answer the phone unless you supply them with a credit card.

There is no mention of TIVO on the Dish website so I am kinds stuck. I see others here have mentioned the TIVO with their 522 so I assume they got it working.

If the Dish PVR was as good as the TIVO, there wouldn't be much of a need for it. However, I have a lifetime sub on it so I won't be getting rid of it anytime soon.

Do you have a TIVO connected to your 522?

No, I don't have a 522 (921 here), but have installed them (athough not with TiVo of course). The next thing to check is the remote address. Refer to page 34 of your manual. I have no idea what the TiVo codes are sending, but it's something to try anyway. No clue why they would tell you to try Hughes codes. I found Echostar (Dish) codes here Try codes 10001, 10011, 10043.

Simon, thanks a million. You pointed me in the right direction. The address on the IR1 remote was indeed the problem. The tech changed it to address 5 and when I changed it back to address 1, the TIVO was now able to change the channels on the 522. I used EchoStar 10001. My previous posts were saying I was using Hughes, when in fact I was trying Echostar. My previous DTV was a Hughes so I had that in mind since that is what I was changing from. So it seems the TIVO will only work with Address 1.

Once again, thanks a million.

That's not limited to TiVo - lots of super-remotes and the like are that way, although many can be taught to use a different remote address.
I just found this site, and am considering dish network due to distant channels being available. I am a tivo owner, and am hesitant to switch to a inferior DVR. Am I understanding that I can set my tivo up in some fashion to work with dish network?
I just found this site, and am considering dish network due to distant channels being available. I am a tivo owner, and am hesitant to switch to a inferior DVR. Am I understanding that I can set my tivo up in some fashion to work with dish network?

I recently switched to Dish and have a series 1 standalone Tivo. I hooked it up to TV1 of the 322 receiver. I configured it for an Echostar receiver (can't remember which one). It's been working without a problem for a few weeks.

There are a couple of things that you need to make sure of:

1. Keep the remote channel for the TV1 receiver set to '1'. It's the one that Tivo can handle.

2. Make sure that you tell Tivo which channels you receive. If Tivo tries to tune into a channel you haven't subscribed to, the receiver will give you an error message that Tivo cannot clear. You'll have to use the Dish remote.

3. If your receiver is set to update at 3:00 AM (default setting), set a manual timer on the receiver to tune to a channel at 4:00 AM. This will 'wake up' the receiver. If you don't do this, you'll record hours of the Dish screen saver.

4. Use the remote infrared extenders that came with the Tivo.

I use the 522 PVR as well as the Tivo. If I want to make sure something records, the Tivo is more reliable than the 522. The picture is slightly inferior (on a 60" set).

The Tivo guide will be more complete. For example, there was a 10-minute Seinfeld program on NBC last week. Tivo found it, but it wasn't in the Dish guide.

Good luck!


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