TiVo Will Die: Three Trends Spell Doom for the Popular Personal Video Recorder

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Nice article. His first point also holds true for E* and D*as they both see PVR's as the corner stone to their business. The advantage will (is swinging) swing back into the cable providers court.
My concerns over News Corp's future for the Tivo at DirecTV are one of the factors that removed my drive to switch from Dish to DirecTV.
Mike_H said:
My concerns over News Corp's future for the Tivo at DirecTV are one of the factors that removed my drive to switch from Dish to DirecTV.

But, if you buy one today, I don't think they could remove features down the line, like channel skipping and what-not. It's the future models that will be stripped of that functionality, if at all. It depends somewhat on legislation, as it is already law that consumers can record and playback at will for personal use. I don't think he would be allowed to f with our freedom to record in the manner we wish.
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