TNT-HD Bad Boys 7pm EST

eschu97611 said:
Sean, Zapit still to blame for missing "HD" icon in pg for TNT HD programs-I don't see any-not even for the bb game last night???

Yeah... They really do a bad job when it comes to this. Encore-HD, Playboy-HD, are just a few I can think of where the PG information does not properly show what's HD and what's not.
Sean Mota said:
Yeah... They really do a bad job when it comes to this. Encore-HD, Playboy-HD, are just a few I can think of where the PG information does not properly show what's HD and what's not.
Did notice this morning though that TNT HD now has an "HD" icon in pg for all its programming-does that mean EVERYTHING is in HD on this channel(either HD or upconversion)???????
eschu97611 said:
Did notice this morning though that TNT HD now has an "HD" icon in pg for all its programming-does that mean EVERYTHING is in HD on this channel(either HD or upconversion)???????

Same thing as Playboy-HD and Encore-HD every program is shown with an HD designation but when you tune to it, you'll find out that some are and some are not.
Sean Mota said:
Same thing as Playboy-HD and Encore-HD every program is shown with an HD designation but when you tune to it, you'll find out that some are and some are not.
Sean, the green Borg avatar was really cool. especially with the signature. very creative.
vurbano said:
Sean, the green Borg avatar was really cool. especially with the signature. very creative.

I liked it too. I also liked this one which someone lent to me. It shows the assimilation taking place.
TNT-HD's upconversion looks very good. Hate to say it, but the commercials look good, pretty clear and the stretch looks natural. I wish all the OTA guys would do that instead of pillar box on their non-hd programming.
Also on TNT-HD--Memorial Day--Law and Order Marathon!!!
cyuhnke said:
Where the hell's the dd 5.1? Voom is dropping the ball big time on this.

I have VoOm and TWC San Antonio...they both added TNTHD and both are not doing DD5.1 (for Bad Boys). I think it must be at the source...TNT.
Abner said:
I have VoOm and TWC San Antonio...they both added TNTHD and both are not doing DD5.1 (for Bad Boys). I think it must be at the source...TNT.
Others have said Dish Network TNTHD is 5.1. Who knows? I can't compare myself.
I have Dish and it was decoded in DD5.1 but I'm not sure if the movie was actually carrying it. Bad Boys did look very good. TNT's doing a good job making us guess whether a show is in HD, I wish they would start indicating it in their schedule. Boyz in the hood is on now and it doesn't look as good as Bad boys did
BFG said:
I have Dish and it was decoded in DD5.1 but I'm not sure if the movie was actually carrying it. Bad Boys did look very good. TNT's doing a good job making us guess whether a show is in HD, I wish they would start indicating it in their schedule. Boyz in the hood is on now and it doesn't look as good as Bad boys did

Yes i second That Bad boys did look very good. Also i wish they TNT would let us know when it was Hd. Boyz in the hood doesn't look as good. :no

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