Top 10 Reasons NOT to buy a 921 till March 1st


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
I am not under a NDA with Dish, so I can tell it like it is.

Here is my Comentary "for what its worth"

I am not saying you should or should not buy a 921 now. What you do need to do is gather all the info you can and make a wise buying decision base on what you think are the facts.

1. Price- Save $300-$500 on March 1st.

There is no competition yet. The HDTV Direct Tivo is scheduled to be released March 1st for $699 with a 1 year contract for existing customers and $499 for new Customers. The press release is Jan 8th at the Consumer Electronics Sore. In stores March 1st. Its in Pilot right now.

2. No free Switch- Save $40 to $130 more. Since many will need new switches so they can add the required 2nd line to the dish, if you wait till March they may be free when Dish Matches Direct TVs pricing. Dish has also made them free when going through there 1 year plans in the past.

3. No discount for being a Production Beta Tester- there are many small bugs. You should get a discount for helping test the box. Over the last couple of years Dish has laid off several programing and testers and for some the left they never hired replacements. They are short staffed so they hope you can help test for free.

4. No Firwire output for DVHS. Why pay full price and not get all the features, yes it may be added later, but its a matter of principal. The price should be reduced till this feature is avl. Things are missing, why pay full price?

5. Boycott factor- if few are buying them at the full price, Dish may lower the price sooner, before March 1st.

6. No new HD- Dish is adding more Locals right now. This is there main concept for Super Dish, it used to be HD on Super Dish. If few buy HD Equipment Dish may realized that they need to add more like cable is doing. Cable converts are growing. Dish does not want to loose any to Voom and Cable. Direct TV is also talking about adding Starz HD next week.

7. Local Channel mapping and Guide info. Why pay full price for something that is not all there yet. Local Channel maping works on Tivos (they already have the data from there non DBS line of product. Dish is contracting out for it and we are paying full price for something that is not there yet?

8. Upgrade options- This box can do many things. If few buy it, they may realize the need to add the missing features like the USB keyboard, Video Streaming, and Web scheduling, ALL features that the Tivo is working on. (see Tivo 4.0 and HMO Home Media Option for streaming Video and Digital Camera pics).

9. Never Buy the 1st Release-

New buy a computer product or software when it first comes out- This thing is a LINUX Based IDE Hard Drive Computer (it just does not have a Keyboard or mouse (yet).

Any computer person will tell you, never buy anything when it first comes out. Wait for Service Pack 1 (March 1st)

10 Mark Up- Something does not sound right here. The profit is way too high. Computer based products normal are around 10%

Right now Dealers are making over $120 per unit on this and Dish is also making about $50 (marked up before retailer cost).

There is also a large market for those that need an new Switch.

Thats $170 profit total or %17 profit. Extra 5% each year.

But they also make on the average $120 per year for the HD Pack that most will get, cost that over several years and Echo Star is making money off the Retailers and the Customers. With out a discounted price on a One year contract its not the right price to buy at.

The above is a personal comentary. I do not work for Dish or Direct TV.
I do own equal amounts of stock in both though.
I am not under any NDAs.
I do not totally disagree with you, but what you say and what the headline says are a little different.

Your headlline says: "Top 10 Reasons NOT to buy a 921 till March 1st"

Then you say: "I am not saying you should or should not buy a 921 now. What you do need to do is gather all the info you can and make a wise buying decision base on what you think are the facts."
Heck you should really wait until the first hardware update. Doubt that will make it in March for the best solution. Or bettter yet wait for version 2.

Sure you may save a few bucks, and skip a few bugs by waiting. The real question is - What's it worth to time shift HD today. For me with two tweens, alot. CSI and Law and Order are not shows for the kids - and I want them in HD. When they are on now is family time where I play with my kids and watch their shows with them. After they go to bed we watch those shows we have time shifted on our 501.

So yeah, I know there are good reasons to wait, but I'm sure if I can find one, my money will be spent.

BTW - everyone else should wait till March or April so I can get mine :D
I agree

I have went through the 6000 problems and now I am going through the 811 problems. I want the 921 but I can wait for the first three software upgrades before I buy. My wife doesn't like me being a beta tester as I have been with the 811. For only five channels included in my HD package (I have no Premiums). I am a 150 subscriber plus Locals and HD. I need to see at least 12 HD channels before I commit to the 921. I hope that the 921 is available by the Master's Golf Tournament. Living in Salt Lake City, we normally enjoy playing golf that weekend and then watching the Masters. It would be cool watching the Masters on HD. We have atttended the tournament and SD Tv can't do it justice. HD can.
ScottChez said:
1. Price- Save $300-$500 on March 1st.

There is no competition yet. The HDTV Direct Tivo is scheduled to be released March 1st for $699 with a 1 year contract for existing customers and $499 for new Customers. The press release is Jan 8th at the Consumer Electronics Sore. In stores March 1st. Its in Pilot right now.
Maybe true, maybe not. I have seen $699 & $799 tossed around. Remember if those who are buying it have a$2000+ HDTV & are already willing to pay a premium for a HD DVR, then the price difference is really nada.

2. No free Switch- Save $40 to $130 more. ..........
I would say this is NOT going to be true. Most new equipment purchases lately seems to INCLUDE required switches. I got the $149 6000 deal & it included new switches, lines, & Dishpro adapter. Of course since it is located along side a 501, I am already wired & switched for the 921!!!!

3. No discount for being a Production Beta Tester.........
whine, whine. the 6000s, 5xx series & 721 are still being software upgraded.
EVERY electronic product that we buy makes us all beta testers. Who has not had to take back, fix, or replace parts on one???

4. No Firwire output for DVHS. ...........
so what. I myself could care less. Having the HD DVR seems like a GOOD reason to NOT need a DVHS!!!!

5. Boycott factor- if few are buying them at the full price, Dish may lower the price sooner, before March 1st.
6. No new HD- .
these reasons could backfire.
If there is not a hot demand for the 921, why bother pushing them. Thus, why bother adding HD if the demand does not seem to be there.
The opposite would be more helpful. Increased 921 orders will probably help increase new HD channels. Also, with the 921 there will be a dramatic increase in HD PPV. Thus more revenue.

7. Local Channel mapping and Guide info. ............
again, most DVT stations are not using the PSIP to its full capacity. In the DC\Baltimore area as example, only 1-2 stations really bother now. The 921 home review alludes to a priority to work this out.

8. Upgrade options- ..............
again, so what. these are features that most users would rarely use. It is a SATELLITE TV RECEIVER. If you need the other, use your COMPUTER.

9. Never Buy the 1st Release-
used to be true. Everyday there are new, first of their kind products out there. People buy at first release. It took a year from CES 2003 intro until release for the 921. Are you going to wait 6-12 months for a major upgrade. Probably not, since Dish ususally dose small incremental software upgrades almost monthly.

10 Mark Up- ..........
what no profit, this is a for profit BUSINESS, not the dollar thrift store.
More profit DOES allow for more R&D, and more justfications to purchase more programming. The good old SUPPLY & DEMAND economics along with Voom & Directv out there will drive the hardware price point. This equipment is the FIRST of its kind. It is unreasonable to expect it to be cheap. Heck, early 286 computers used to cost $4000!!! Now they are doorstops.

I do own equal amounts of stock in both though.
yes, profit WOULD be good!

I thought that was only if you have AT150, AEP or the regional sports, I don't see where it was included in the HD package:

Experience the DISH Network HD Pak
DISH Network makes it easier than ever to live life in high definition with the DISH Network HD Pak that includes ESPN HD, Discovery HD Theater™, HDNet and HDNet Movies.
I'll wait till March 1st but that is only beacuse I want to buy just 1 HD receiver when I make the switch to D*.
Tahoerob said:
EVERY electronic product that we buy makes us all beta testers. Who has not had to take back, fix, or replace parts on one???

I assume you're talking about EVERY Dish Network electronic product because, I buy a lot of electronic stuff and can't remember the last time I had to take back, fix, or replace one. Perhaps I just buy quality products to begin with.
this whole topic is probably moot... if they screw up the 921 release as badly as they've handled the 811, you won't be able to get one before March anyway!!!!


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