This is on The 101 on Directv now and is or has been on programming in the "Great White North" how many are watching? (I am... these guys are idiots )
One of the funniest I've seen was where Ricky was making brownies and Julian left his "Grandma's" Dog with Ricky to watch and the dog ate the brownies and Ricky's Daughter shot him in the Butt...
Only the seventh, final, season was shot in widescreen HD, plus the special "Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys". The first six seasons are SD 4x3.Discovered it here, the clip where Ricky is doing a satellite feed for the Park, and did it Season-by-Season through Netflix. Recorded the initial installment on the 101, but the HD was stretched SD. No go.
The first six seasons are SD 4x3.
I'm halfway through this one... I found a treasure trove on the 101 on Demand... catching up on some I missed...I just got done watching that one tonight. Too funny!
Ricky saying to the satellite tech, "What? Do you own space? Nay-sa does! Rocket people, perhaps you've heard of them?"