Travertine Channel on IA8

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Same here! 74% signal quality to be exact, and the old black screen!
it looks like a test channel. For a while that transponder was i the clear and had some ethnic channels on it. Now its scrambled but 2 channels are in the clear (even theough it says $) but they just say "Globecast"
The channel is supposed to be a reality TV channel and some of their shows are live and interactive. The chat room thing is one of them and I think they were just testing their software. It was just the same messages over and over again. I actually text messaged the thing (at a cost of 60c per message according to the channel!) to see if it would show up, but alas it didn't. However, if you see them bring it back up and you see a message that gives shout outs to, it was me who sent it ;-) Also, they're going to have something where people with camera phones can send in pictures and they'll show them live as well, after a censor I'm sure. Mazzika used to do this on their music TV channel which used to be on T5 along with text messages. It'll be an interesting channel once they get launched. Hopefully, they will stay FTA. I wonder if they're bound for HDTV multicasting like The Tube.
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pansat 3500SD

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