LyngBox - Worldwide Satellite Receiver / PVR

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Viewsat or somebody makes a DVR, although it doesn't do HD.

Is the LyngBox compatible with the HD channels we can receive in North America? I've forgotten who's using what format.
"The biggest feature the unit touts is the ability to provide automatic channel installation and updates that are based on where the user is located and the specific equipment they are using. This is possible because the LyngBox is intergrated tightly with the LyngSat Network. Apparently, keeping up with thousands of channels that sometimes switch is a problem in the European market."

I find the Lyngsat charts aren't updated as often as he used to also, so what's the point of the box if the database isn't up to date. I find a blindscan receiver would be of more use. Here in the UK channels move around, dissappear and appear regular so a database would have to be the same,... like the SatCoDX compatible receivers.
I would imagine this box is going to be expensive, and without 4:2:2 , We could
just stay with our 100-150 dollar blind scan units and get good results. just my 2 cents.
Just fyi,

They just put up an FAQ on their site that says full availability via retail is in Feb '07
Christian does not update his charts, he relies on others to send him the updates and then he applies them. If someone does not tell him something has changed then it remains unchanged on

With that said, how cool would it be is SatelliteGuys.US was the exclusive distributer of the LyngBox in the USA? :)

My only question is... Does it do 4:2:2?
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