Trying to get Dish for my parents.

Big Bob

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
Here are the parameters and the problems.

Trying to get better TV for my parents. (For them, and myself when I visit)

They have their main house on the farm where cable is non-available and a small beach cabin where they live in the summer where cable is very poor.

I would like to set them up with Dish at both locations.

They need two tuners, because they have separate tastes and don't always watch together. It would be good if they could take their tuners with them when they move from one house to another. They are smart enough to plug in a couple of cables every now and then.

I had hoped that the 522 would be an ideal answer for them. But with the requirement for a phone line to be plugged in, it seems that would not be a good solution.

My current, best plan, after looking on the Dish website, is this:
Each parent would sign up for the "Free Dish" promo, one at each residence, and each receive a 510 (I wish it could be a 508), a dish and free installation. After the install, I could run another line from the dish and they could move one unit from one residence to the other and they would be in business.

Concerns: What type of LNB would be installed with this package. Would I be able to just run another cable inside without having to upgrade the LNB or switch?
They would have to agree to buy 2 programing packages for a year. what is the minimal package they would need to get?
Correct that after a year, they could cancel one package and move a receiver over to the other account and they would need to pay an extra $5 for the extra receiver?
They *probably* won't need to hook up a phone line to the receivers?

Looking for input:
Have I overlooked anything here? It seems that for about $275, after a year, they would wind up with 2 510s for which they would have to pay $10 a month dvr fee and $5 a month extra receiver fee.

Is there a better way to get 2 tuners (preferably DVRs) that can be moved at will to two locations?

I appreciate any input. Thanks
You can buy one set of programming and move the receiver back and forth. You just need two dishes set up ; one at the farm and one at the beach house.

If they are on the digital home plan they can get the 522 and if you have a phone connection at both locations you can easily move the 522 from local to local and plug it in to the phone connection. You will need a coax to run out of the 522 to another room for your mother to watch on another tv. This is the cheaper alternative with no extra fee if it is plugged into a phone line, no extra receiver fee.

Then there is the 322 which does the same but without a dvr functions. It's like two 301s into one box. Either is available on the digital home plan.

The other alternative is to buy two 301s as a new sub and get them installed free at your house and move them to the other beach house and run a dish and lines to two tvs and just move the 301s or 510s to house to house. Either way I wouldn't have two subscriptions if you aren't going to use them at the same time. With these boxes you aren't required to have a phone line connected.
Does one of them live on the farm and one live at the beach house or are they at either one place or the other? If they are not going to be at the beach house very long or travel together, I don't think they will want to pay for subscription fees if they are not going to be using them. They would have to keep at lease america's top 50 programing for a year at the beach house unless they terminated and paid the fine. I would have the farm professionally installed with two or three receiver free dish package. This will include a Dish 500 lnb dish. Then I would go on ebay and pick up a dish 500 dish and any switches (if your not sure what you would need just check out the existing install and match it). If you got three receivers, you could take two down to the beach house leaving one back at the farm in case they would need it. However if you want locals at each place this may be the problem since if you activated at the farm and can get locals than you may not get them at the beach house. Just thought I would throw around some ideas. ; )
I would assume that the Dish Pro LNB would be installed. That's the latest and greatest.

You could definately run another cable(RG-6) from that LNB without doing anything else.

As far as programming I don't know. You may need to ask Dish Network or check their website.

After they cancel the other account, it will be an additional $10/month for the second receiver.($5=receiver,$5=recording fee)

I have a camper that I leave at the beach a few months out of the year. I bought an extra dish and got a stand to put in on for the beach. Each time I go down I take the LNB off my house and take the receiver with me. The reason I didn't buy a second LNB is because that is the most expensive part of the dish. It's around $75 or so. This way I don't pay anything extra other than the what I paid for the dish and the stand to put it on.

Does your parents really need 2 recording receivers? If not get a DVR and a 301. If I were them I'd by the extra dish with LNB, have you install it and then all they would have to do is unhook whatever receiver they'd want to take and hook it up at the other house. That would be pretty easy.

MikeD-C05 said:
If they are on the digital home plan they can get the 522 and if you have a phone connection at both locations you can easily move the 522 from local to local and plug it in to the phone connection.

But, if they plug it into the phone line at the beach house, the number registered would be different, and Dish would wonder what is going on?
Those DVR receivers such as the 510 are sensative to moving. They would have to be treated with extra care because it could cause the hard drives to fail if not handelled correctly. Dish does not recommend moving those receivers around a lot.
Iceberg said:
MikeD-C05 said:
If they are on the digital home plan they can get the 522 and if you have a phone connection at both locations you can easily move the 522 from local to local and plug it in to the phone connection.

But, if they plug it into the phone line at the beach house, the number registered would be different, and Dish would wonder what is going on?

I don't think it would matter if you listed your phone number for the time you will be at the beach house as that number. You can change your phone number as many times as you like . They don't care as long as it is plugged into a phone number. Heck you can change your service address to the beach house if you want to for the time you are there. You can Move as much as you want .
Just set them up for whichever promo works best for them at the primary residence. Then, when they are ready to use the beach house, have them do a DISH Mover and change their address to the beach house. That way they would get a free install at both places, but wouldn't have to have two separate subscriptions. The 522 receiver would work fine this way - - as long as the beach house has a land line phone. Dish would have the beach house phone number on file from the DISH Mover. Everything would be cool. If they don't have a phone at the beach house, they would just have to pay an extra $4.99 per month for the second tuner.

Piece of cake!
Mainstreet said:
Just set them up for whichever promo works best for them at the primary residence. Then, when they are ready to use the beach house, have them do a DISH Mover and change their address to the beach house. That way they would get a free install at both places, but wouldn't have to have two separate subscriptions. The 522 receiver would work fine this way - - as long as the beach house has a land line phone. Dish would have the beach house phone number on file from the DISH Mover. Everything would be cool. If they don't have a phone at the beach house, they would just have to pay an extra $4.99 per month for the second tuner.

Piece of cake!

That sounds like the best way to get a free dish and use the 522 or 322 for both residences. I have done virtual "moves" several time but never would have thought to do the dish mover thing to get a free dish at both residences . Smart! :D
Thanks for everyone who replied.

Here are the questions.

The 522 is only available to DHP customers, correct? If so, is is only $39.97/month as well with another standard receiver? The dish website doesn't mention the 522 with a price.

If they go with DHP, are they eligible for Dish mover?

Is there any fee for Dish mover? From the website "Customers with 1 or 2 receivers will receive a FREE DISH 500 and a FREE Standard Professional Installation ". Does the 522 count as one or two receivers?

Can they change their service address and/or phone number as many times as they like with no charge?
Big Bob said:
Thanks for everyone who replied.

Here are the questions.

The 522 is only available to DHP customers, correct? If so, is is only $39.97/month as well with another standard receiver? The dish website doesn't mention the 522 with a price.

Yes, the 522 is only available for lease. The AT50 with locals on DHP is $34.99 plus the $4.98 VOD fee. That's $39.97. If they unhook the phone line from the receiver, they are then charged an additional $4.99 for the additional tuner.

If they go with DHP, are they eligible for Dish mover?

Is there any fee for Dish mover? From the website "Customers with 1 or 2 receivers will receive a FREE DISH 500 and a FREE Standard Professional Installation ". Does the 522 count as one or two receivers?

DISH Mover is available to ANY DISH Network customer, no matter which promo they are on.

DISH Mover is free if they agree to an additional 1 year commitment of at least AT50, and sign up for Credit Card Auto Pay. If they don't do CCAP, there is a $24.99 shipping & handling fee for the dish. The even better way to get a free DISH Mover would be to give a friend a Club DISH certificate. Then, besides getting the $5 discount per month, you also get a free DISH Mover certificate that has no strings attached - no additional commitment, and no CCAP. ;)

Can they change their service address and/or phone number as many times as they like with no charge?

Yes, the address can be changed as many times as you like with no charge.
just to put my 2 cents in ........
I have 4 receivers in my house, I have been a dish subscriber for 6 years
I just connected my one of my receiver to a phone line(2 weeks ago) after receiving the letter threatining me that I was in violation of the customer agreement and that I could be shut off.
Now I don't know the reason for the dvr/pvr's having to have the phone line connected at all times, but the reason they gave me was for software upgrades. Now I don't know, but the dish network site states that you should shut your receiver off so it can download the software. it never
stated that you needed the recever connected to a phone line to.

one final note......(we're up to my 50 cents...... :D )
an early charlie chat (circa 97-98) ergen said that the only reason that you needed a phone line connected to it was for ppv and that if you ordered a ppv event and the phone line was not connected when it was time to dial in and the receiver wasn't connected it would lock up until it was connected to the phone line and it connects to E* system.
gredneck said:
just to put my 2 cents in ........
I have 4 receivers in my house, I have been a dish subscriber for 6 years
I just connected my one of my receiver to a phone line(2 weeks ago) after receiving the letter threatining me that I was in violation of the customer agreement and that I could be shut off.
Now I don't know the reason for the dvr/pvr's having to have the phone line connected at all times, but the reason they gave me was for software upgrades. Now I don't know, but the dish network site states that you should shut your receiver off so it can download the software. it never
stated that you needed the recever connected to a phone line to.

one final note......(we're up to my 50 cents...... :D )
an early charlie chat (circa 97-98) ergen said that the only reason that you needed a phone line connected to it was for ppv and that if you ordered a ppv event and the phone line was not connected when it was time to dial in and the receiver wasn't connected it would lock up until it was connected to the phone line and it connects to E* system.

The reason they want the phone line connected on YOUR system with 6 receivers is to verify that all the receivers are in the same house. With that many receivers on an account, it would be very easy for a customer to "share" the receivers between several houses and have a much cheaper bill. They call that "account stacking". They also want them hooked up for impulse pay-per-view because it is easier and cheaper for you to buy the movies. Therefore, they think you will end up buying more! The new receivers have some interactive features that only work if the phone line is hooked up - like seeing and paying your bill on the screen via channel 100. Then, there is caller-id.

They want the new 522's and 322's hooked up for those reasons, and now they have a good excuse to charge a fee if they aren't hooked up!

Software downloads are performed through the data stream via satellite, and have nothing to do with the phone line.
I told Dish after receiving the letter what would they do if I had no land line and went with the cell phone instead? They said there was nothing that they could do if I went with cell phone to enforce this . In the future they will most likely include a global positioning chip that will tell them where all their receivers are at any given time.

In the near future they plan on including this chips in all products like food cans ,clothes etc. These chips will also tell them when they need to restock the item due to a transmitting a signal to the store register and ordering system.

I can see Dish and Directv including these in all their newer receivers in the not so distant future, and this will end the stacking issue once and for all. Of course tracking all these receivers will make the satellite headquarters look like Norad with huge screens and 20 million subs times all the additional receivers.

Of course the way around this is to have whole house servers with additional sat tuners that can be run in the same house. Like 4 and 6 tuners . This way there would be very little people could do to stack these systems. The 522 and the 322 are the first such servers with 2 sat tuners and a common hard drive on the 522. It shouldn't be that much of a strectch for Dish and Directv to come up with a 4 and 6 tuner hard drive dvr. Of course the price would be large and the hard drive would have to be big to share with 4 or 6 tuners.

Either way they will have to drop this whole phone connection penalty if they do this . The future according to most sound and video magazines , is going to be wireless. Wireless tvs, dvd players, even wireless sound systems. Wireless in this case means NO CABLES OF ANY KIND. Land lines will become obsolete if this keeps up.

Dish and Directv better get with the future if they want to prevent stacking.
Thanks again to everyone who posted.
This has been good info to chew through.
I will let you know when we make a decision

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