Two Recievers, Two TV's, Plus Home Distribution


New Member
Original poster
Oct 24, 2011
Hello All,

I'm new to satellite TV and new to the forum in general. I do appreciate everyone's help! I've read a lot of informative posts, but can't seem to find my situation anywhere. In breif, here is what I want to do. I have two TV's, the living room TV has a VIP 722k dual tuner and the bedroom TV has a VIP 211k single tuner. Right now it's setup with a single cable running from the dish to the VIP 722k, then a separator for each of the tuners, and another single cable from the dish going to the VIP 211k. Everything works just fine the way it is, however, I'd like to occasionally watch a show from the DVR on the bedroom TV (through the home distribution setup, but keep the satellite feed so I don't always have to use one of the tuners from the 722k in the bedroom). So here is where I get lost, how can I get the home distribution signal, plus a satellite signal to the bedroom TV through a single cable?

Simplest way is call DISH for a service call. If you want to DIY you will need 2 diplexars and read the distribution area of your instruction book.
How is the 211k hooked up to the bedroom TV? If it's via hdmi it's simple. You have the home distribution coax hooked to the antenna input of the TV. That way all you have to do is use your TV remote or program your Dish remote to switch between hdmi and antenna. Leave the antenna input on the channel that is outputted from the 722. I have a variation of this set up. I have the composite outs for TV2 hooked to a vcr and the coax out from the vcr goes to the basement where it is split to 3 tv's. One is in the computer room where it is hooked to the antenna in and my 211 is connected to the hdmi port.

List of 8psk and qpsk receivers


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