Unable to Purchase Sports Pack


Original poster
Jul 5, 2023
I have been having this issue for over a week and have spoken to I think ever support employee over the phone as well as interacted with multiple employees through various forums. I am posting this here as I think there are some people with knowledge on the inner workings at DirecTV.

I am a customer of DirecTV Stream. I live in a connected community where the costs are paid through our HOA fees. We were recently converted from UVerse. We are allowed to purchase a la carte add ons such as Starz or Movies Extra. For some reason the sports pack is not available as a choice to add. Support thinks it is because of my account type but they have no idea how to fix this, if there is a legal reason etc...essentially they don't know what to do or even who to escalate to. I have included scree shots. Any ideas would be helpful.


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they made things right!!!


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