Dish doesn't map down any HD channels for any of the DishLatino packages. If you subscribe to a Dish Latino package, you will notice all your SD channels fall between channels 100-899 and all your HD channels are in the 5300-5399 range. Its pretty annoying, but Dish isn't about it begin mapping down HD channels for Dish Latino. For example, I get ESPN SD on channel 140, but if I want to watch ESPN in HD, I have to switch over to 5300. ESPN HD is mapped down to 140 for the "America's Top ___" packages, but not for Dish Latino packages. So same principle works for Univision HD.
Wow thanks for the info. Friend of mine has latinomax and HD and couldn't figure out where the HD channels were and had me try to figure it out. I talked to a CSR and after an hour of BS she told me to go to channel 5300 and see if the HD channels were there.
I asked her why the HD channels weren't mapped and she couldn't give me an answer other than just to turn the receivers off that night to get updates.
I even asked her if it was because it's a latino package and she said no. I'm glad Dish CSR's are so knowledgeable :rant:
Actually I think the statement "Dish doesn't map down any HD channels for any of the DishLatino packages" is a bit off. This has always been the case, even after adding Univision/Telefutura/Galavision in HD. However, about a week or two after, I noticed those three channels were mapped down in the 8xx range. Wish they would do that with the rest of the HD channels.
RandallA said:Yes, those are mapped for the Latino package. What does that tell you? That it can be done but they just don't want to do it.
It's not that annoying
I still get more channels at a cheaper price than I would in America's top 120, so if that means no mapdowns, then so be it
I think this is a case of Dish can do the map-down, but it one of those smart things they never do until someone calls the Tech Forum and Mark turns to Dan and says, "Well, that is something we can do, Dan. Let's look into that." And 3 months later, Dan list the changes since last Tech Forum and he may brag, " . . . And we have mapped-down the HD Univision and Telefutura channels down to the 800's in the Dish Latino neighborhood. So now you get them in the 200's and in the 800's and for some folks in the 5000's, but a lot of folks wanted it in the 800's, and it makes sense. So, now you don't have to go hunting for the HD feeds of those channels.".
I was watching the World Cup either on mute because the ESPN commentators have ZERO emotion and suck, or in SD on Univision.