Use C Band dish for Atlantic Ku band birds

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 22, 2007
Bocas del Toro, Panama
I should like to experiment Using the C Band dish for Atlantic Ku band birds. Does anyone have any experience of this. I have a Ku band LNBF for a prime focus dish but it is only a standard. Do any universal LNBF's exist for prime focus C band dishes. Anyone have good experiences
Many thanks and Happy New Year
Could you just hose-clamp one to the side of the existing lnbf or feedhorn body? With a big dish you should be able to grab enough signal once you got the distance close.

I've tested Ku prime focus on both a 6ft and a 8ft dish. Referenced to a known good performer Channel Master 1m offset dish. The 6ft was poor, the 8ft was about equal to the 1m. My experience is to go for the biggest offset you can get for Ku.
But I do encourage experimenting. Try the prime focus lnb you already have for the Atlantic sats. They have plenty of feeds in the usual 11.7-12.2 range to do testing.
If you want to venture into a universal, buy a Invacom with a C-120 flange and Invacom's prime focus Ku feed.
On my C band dish I ended up buying a dual feedhorn for both C and Ku LNB's instead of using just a Ku lnbf on one. To me it was less of a hassle then trying to find a sweet spot to put an lnbf on there somehow
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