Very Displeased with Dish Network

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Ok sorry to complain but I wanted to know if anyone reading this forum knows how I can get some help.
I bought my Dish system as a new customer about a month and a half ago.
Dish Network at that time was gloating itself as the "HD leader" and this was my primary interest. I bought my Dish system and was told by the CSR to wait for the 811 reciever and not get the 6000 because it lacks open menu support and the 811 would be like the 510 menu and would be out by the end of the month. So I got the 510 and waited to get my 811 so I could hook that up in the living room then move the 510 into the master bedroom. Well here we are a month and a half later with a very timid sounding December 1st release date for the 811. This is a problem since I was only willing to wait for the 811 a couple weeks. I would have had them install a 301 system in the bedroom since it was free if I would have known I was gonna wait more then 2 months. Now when I call Dish they say theres nothing they can do....
I disagree but cant seem to get anyone on the phone that can make any kind of decisions. All I want is a 301 reciver for my bedroom and since is should have been free anyways with the intial install and its THERE fault I cant purchace an 811 I think they should just install a 301.. Anyone know who I can contact to get some help :( -Thanks
Generally if you are a new subscriber that can get two free receivers you should take that receiver at that time as they will more than likely not give you the free receiver at a later date in time. Most would just add the 811 in addition to the two that they take when first subscribe for service or shut the second receiver that they have on the account off if they do not have enough outputs on the dish to support a third receiver, so I can see why you did not take the second free receiver when you first signed up for service.
bmwaaron said:
I bought my Dish system as a new customer about a month and a half ago. I bought my Dish system and was told by the CSR to wait for the 811 reciever and not get the 6000 because it lacks open menu support and the 811 would be like the 510 menu and would be out by the end of the month.

I think you're stuck waiting for the 811. I pre-ordered my 921 in February and expect to pay full price. Needless to say, I don't have that yet.

--- WCS
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