VIP-622 YPbPr & RCA Connections


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 26, 2006

I'm wondering if the 622 will output to the RCA and YPbPr connections at the same time? The reason I ask is because I am considering a Slingbox setup, and it's my understanding that the Slingbox would not work on the TV 2 outputs due to the UHF remote requirements for TV2.

If it can output to both sets of connections at once, then I'm all set. If not, I'd be interested in hearing how others have their Slingbox connections setup.

Thanks in advance
All outputs are active simultaneously.

Perfect, thanks for the fast reply. Am I correct in also assuming that when using the RCA hookups, it will downconvert any HD content as needed to work over the RCA connection?
Perfect, thanks for the fast reply. Am I correct in also assuming that when using the RCA hookups, it will downconvert any HD content as needed to work over the RCA connection?
Which RCA jacks do you mean? The TV1 composite outputs (including S-video) give you downconverted content. The picture format will vary depending on whether you're in Single or Dual mode. The component outputs will give you the analog version of your HD output, and that is at whatever setting you chose in the set-up menu.

I have now had 5 months of no-problem HDMI output on my replacement 622. With the original unit, HDMI was DOA...

Stupid installers? Stupid Customers!@@@!!!!

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