VIP722 SW Release L685

CK SatGuy

Formerly ckhalil18
Original poster
Feb 7, 2011
The Motor City
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Interesting. But my question is why release 2 updates for the same receiver on the same day? I was thinking that since L685 is closer to L683, which is the 722k current software, that is was an error on Dish's part and they meant to put L685 under 722k.
That would be ironic if the 722/k firmware was merged and the 722 not k got 685 first!
It has happened before, where the 722 had a higher software version number, e.g. late last year, the 722k received L668, and shortly after the 722 non-k received L670. Then a nearly month later, the 722k received L669 and the 722 received L671. About a month later, the 722k got L680, and the 722 got L672, a numbering scheme that you would typically expect.
722k L685 here


  • 722k L685 Screenshot.jpg
    722k L685 Screenshot.jpg
    228.3 KB · Views: 417
The following changes have been made to ViP receivers: 722 (L676), 722k (L685), 222k (L590), and 622 (L634)
  • Channel Preference: the user can now select to display only the HD version of any channel available in both HD and SD
  • HDMI Detect: sets the video resolution to the highest supported by the customers TV, Channel Preference to ‘HD Only’, and the Guide Format to the ‘Small Text – 6 Row setting when the receiver detects that it is connected to the TV using an HDMI cable
  • Favorites List Name Changes: the default DISH created Favorites Lists on the receiver will be changed to the following:
    • All Available = All Chan
    • My Channels = All Sub
    • My HD Channels = All HD
  • Dish Platinum can now be accessed from the top menu moving Midnight Lounge and My Media down. My Media can now be accessed by scrolling down to number 6 or pressing "6" on the remote.
722k L685 here

Which just goes to show you, ckhalil was probably right when he said this:

I'm thinking Dish made a mistake and meant to put L685 for the VIP722k instead of the VIP722.

Edited to add: Ha! Matt is speedy. I was trying to find ckhalil's URL to the Dish firmware website and two other folks beat me to the comment above. Thanks Matt.

So... What about my two forlorn 612s?
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Aha! So I was right after all. It was an error on Dish's part. Good thing I asked or we would have found out the hard way.:D Kudos to Matt and DIRT for clearing things up.:)

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