Well, that still doesn't answer the question (actually no one has really; just a misunderstanding) because the above reply applies to PPV movies. Meaning, again, one can purchase a PPV movie with remote on the first box. Now if I go to any of the other boxes on my account, that PPV is not "cleared" and the movie won't display. However, if one goes through the same steps as with the first box, orders the same PPV movie on the second box, they must confirm and agree to be charged $4.99 again, and repeat this process on all other boxes on the account, agreeing to pay $4.99 again, and again, Dish will only charge $4.99 once on the bill, allowing PPV move to viewed on all boxes even though one had to agree to be charged $4.99 each time. I have done this many times and even Charlie confirmed this for PPV on a Chat years ago.
My Question, again: Does this same result apply to VOD Channel 501 movies (or other events) and DishOnLine, meaning can we order that VOD or OnLine content on all the account boxes and be charged only one $6.99 charge on the bill and still watch on all boxes just like it is for PPV movie purchases? Yes or NO, to simplify the response.
Thanks again for your help if anyone has the answer.